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About Triston
- Birthday 05/07/1982
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Newbie (1/14)
If you need to know about maine, ICQ me, I was stuck there for some time...
*slips out of the darkness* First of all, good luck. Second of all, a little advice. If the gods are willing in 11/04 Dallas will have a new Martini Bar, myself and some friends its propriaters. Capitol is a very big deal in starting a buisness, and the most important river to cross. We decided to forgo an sba, and instead go with government loans and grants. There is of course some catches to this route. First off, to get the loans you still have to already have some capitol. 10% to be exact. So as we speak im spending every weekend shmoosing investors for every penny I can, and so far its going well. The advantage to borrowing from the government is that you get a very low interest rate that in our case wont even kick in for the first 10 years, and additionally your ceiling is much higher then a private bank can offer, depending upon your feild. Grants are absolutly wonderful (you dont have to give the money back!!!) but they are a VERY VERY VERY big pain to obtain. Were actually having more luck finding private investors then we are with grants. (stimulate the economy my arse.) My final word of advice is this, and any buisness man will agree. Do not go ahead and begin production until you have enough capitol to run for an entire year without making a penny. There are no sure things in buisness, but at least this way you will be able to get through the trials and tribulations of the first year without the creditors or partners driving you insane. One question though, what kind of buisness is it. General partnership, LLC, LLP, ect... Some buisness forms have it much easier when it comes to raising capitol. Either way, once again good luck.
Couldnt agree more! There are about 3 guilds going right now that just run player searches for un-guilded dragons currently online, then cold-call em. Its really kinda sad. Welp, im off to work, but I should have all the lore and such figured out before the end of the night.
No baulders gate 3? *runs off to cry in the corner*
I have decided that horizons is a fantastic game, and as promised will be opening a branch of THE on the Dawn server. We have named it Eclipse as per Borg's idea, "for there numbers are so many they block out the sun." So it will be a while before I can fly, a hatchling has gotta have a dream alright! Either way I have posted the details in the horizons forum, but would like a little feedback. First off, advice from the leaders out there who have founded branches before, all the do's, don'ts and pitfalls I should know about. Second off, a rough list of who round here is already playing horizons, or plans to soon. I gotta figure out how big of a plot to save up for. *grins* Other then that guys, happy gaming!
Hell, Ill make a cameo for that, just dont put me on the santa list, I got nada. BTW, having a blast in horizons, just wish they would get there login servers down hehe. Otherwise its been a very smooth release.
*whispers* check the stockpiles. I hear they have plenty...
Welp, the Planed storyline for Istaria would put us somewhere in the neutral evil range. We like dragons, we treat them fairly, but the lesser races are tools to be used by us reptialian gods. *grins* Comes out tommorow. Sadly though, there is no pvp... *cries* Suppose its a good thing really, if there was there would be dragons and thats it.
Horizons of Istaria comes out this Tuesday, anyone interested in playing please contact me. In the event that we can get a good core group rolling, and the game does not tank, I would like to open a branch of the empire there. I should be available via ICQ sunday evening, all day monday, and tuesday morning. Couldnt get Tuesday night off, too my GREAT irritation. On a sidenote, until we discuss otherwise, I am looking at the "Dawn" server for our local, its a RP server.
Has a lot of nice thongs eh? Perhaps I should check this game out in my free time. *grins wickedly*
God, I thought I was good at that game... I now realize how wrong I was... Really though, can you imagine how much play time it took to get that good... Insane.
It is with a heavy heart and a burdened soul that I make this decloration. My time with ultima has come to an end. Take no sorrow, for I leave with a clear mind. I have done what I can in my days, and leave no regreats. I have faced everything this realm and others have to offer, and have risen above the challanges. When Brittania called for champions, I answered, for years on end. When the guardians needed a leader, I heald the banner high. There where times when I should not have lived through, but I did, and there where times when I should have fallen to the endless arrows of time, yet lived to speak. Yet it is that very devil, time, which I now fall to. For quite some time, I have tired of this realm, yet you who read this very message have kept me alive. I stayed for you. Yet as days lead unto weeks without me logging on or turning ICQ on, I learned that all must come to an end. Do not be sorry, but instead rejoyce. I shall not leave the empire. I will always be a Guardian, both in this realm and in others. I am a Guardian in my every day toils. I have learned a volume from every one of you, and will take your lessons with me always. It is through example that we teach, and through example that we live. The mode has not lost me, simply the medium. To my brothers and sisters who wear purple, I say this: When the dark night closes around you, and the deamons call at the door, fear not for the questions in the back of you mind, or the incertianty at every turn. Simply throw your chin high, set your shoulders back and set your eyes upon the horizon. You are all the beacon upon which this world continues, never forget that. This is not some in game pep talk. This is for life. But enough of my waxings, lets get to the point. I will be at the meeting tommorow, my last. At this meeting, I will be giving away all of my worldly possessions. No stupid rich kid will be receiving them. Among all of this will be my resources, my gold, and my home. (Basicly what is left that has not been taken my hackers and abusers.) Please come, as this will be my last UO appearance. As to the account, and all of its charicters, (all of which highly developed) I will be offering it up upon specific conditions. The account remains active, although RP and social choices are open to the owner. All I ask is that Triston (the main) remain blue. I ask that the new owner not change the password (or keep me to date on current password) so that I may make my rare but enjoyed cameo. In the event that a volenteer does not step forward, I will continue to keep the account open for 3 more months, then it will go quietly into the night. The other details, in there great verasimilitude, will be decided, quite on the fly. Please feel free to icq me with questions.
Yes I can tinker, please icq me.
Im just going on a hunch here, but I highly doubt the "Blues" Tass's "Red" is beating on are anywhere innocent. *smiles* Perhaps Im wrong, but I find it doubtful. *chuckles*