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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. Hi, I have a few things to say about last night. First, there was too much directed insults and 'hate'. We aren't raiding to insult people, we are raiding for fun. Making one person feel like crap isn't fun, especially for that one person on the recieving end. There IS a difference between poking fun/teasing people, and just trashing that person, if you do not know where that line is, just don't speak. If you have an issue with anybody's performance, bring it up with thier role lead or the raid leader. We will be wiping quite a bit in Ulduar, do not call out everyone that makes a minor mistake on a single attempt. People will lose focus. if enough people lose focus, or appear to lose focus, then it is time to call a 5 min break. if you think it's time for a break, whisper the raid leader. Ideally we will have 2-3 breaks during a raid period. Secondly, overall last night was quite successful. We have lots to be proud of. Our DPS is up, individuals who's DPS were low, have improved significantly, and it shows quite well in that we are almost getting razorscale grounded after the second ground phase (1% off). Kologarn was slight improvement over the past 2 weeks. Now for ignis. Overall, we were doing quite well according to the roles assigned, where we are faultering looks to be on strategy. Why strategy? Well there are a few reasons why: if one of our add team gets in the pot, people die, or the add team gets too far behind on adds, and the bosses buff stacks high enough that the healers are having issues. It is not the add teams fault for this, it's just the RNG getting to us, but we should be able to avoid this, perhaps by assigning Orcala/Eigun/Taidenewy to help out with the add team for controlling the adds in the event that one of the tanks get put into the pot. Also have a secondary shatterer to help out druze, especially if we start getting behind. As for holyssa's deaths: some were caused by holyssa getting out of range. This shouldn't be an issue and may happen once and a while, and I believe we have corrected that by both having the healers try to stay closer to holyssa, and by having holyssa doing a tighter kite path. As for his incoming damage, I compared him to others tanking the boss in other guilds, as well as other classes. From my limited research it looks like there is really no difference between his incoming damage, and others, and it appears from the various logs that this fight benefits no particular tanking class. From the looks of it, holyssa can take 2 hits (avg of roughly 17k a hit) as well as some incidental fire damage (2-4k) before he is dead (assuming the boss has at most 2 stacks of the buff). as soon as the boss gets 3-4 stacks, holyssa will probably die in the same situation. What this means is holyssa (or whoever is the tank) needs to be topped off all the time. I'll leave it up to Uglutz to sort through on the best way to do that. Note that Iron council (namely steelbreaker) seems to give us similar issues as Ignis: the tank needs to be topped off at all times. For kologarn, just an observation: We dropped like flies after the right arm was killed for the second time on each attempt. I haven't looked into the precise reason, but we need to avoid this. I look forward to thursday, and hope the rest of you do too. We should have Zuworty back, so you don't have to put up with me as temp raid lead
  2. Hi, Just wanted to let people know to bring your frost resist gear along for hodir... it makes the fight easier to learn as everyone will take less damage during the frozen blow phase. Also to avoid the flash freeze, the fires do not help.... you have to go into the snow piles, and the snow piles will spawn where there is a large blue spot on the ground (about twice as big as the normal blue spots where the snow comes down during the rest of the fight). you will want to move to beside the large blue spots, but not inside, until AFTER the snow has dropped from the sky, otherwise you will take damage and suffer a knockback. He will not spawn the 'safe' snow until after he does his emote and starts casting flash freeze. After a flash freeze DPS should concentrate on freeing anybody caught in the flash freeze, including the NPCs. Kailand
  3. Kailand


    Hi, A bunch of us have decided to run MC and AQ40 for rep on Mondays starting at roughly 8:00 pm. If you are interested, be on at that time and send myself a whisper at that time for an invite. Kailand
  4. Just added the second day to the main post: 7:30pm - 11:00 pm sundays. and ascoli, I was thinking of doing one tower FL on wednesday.
  5. Hi, I just thought that I'd start a new thread to reflect the fact that my ten man group has swapped to ulduar. With our second serious week in ulduar we managed to kill 7 bosses (up to Auriaya, the crazy cat lady), including 3 that we've seen for the first time, as well as take out both of the VoA bosses. Congratulation goes to my regulars, and to Elrikk who substituted in for Eigun, for showing great adaptability and flexibility as we spent only 2-3 attempts on the new encounters before getting them down. Times: 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm Wednesdays, + 7:30pm-11:00pm Sunday Roster: Holyssa (MT, loves to get hit on... hard) Ascoli (OT, cat lover *pounce*) Kalea (Healer, *splat* it never happened) Kadiana (Healer, fire magnet) Tokane (Healer, burning battlebush of death - only you can prevent druid fires) Jestin (DPS, Portal Demon of hate) Evila (DPS, Evil light, all the evil just less calories) Skywatcher (DPS, Pink bird, ATTACK!) Kailand (DPS/Raid Lead, Clueless) NEEDED (DPS w/interupts) Subs Elrikk/Foroshell/Anamarie - (DPS in waiting)
  6. Is it not challenging now? I mean, we've only seen four bosses and still can't get Razorscale down without some issues (we won't talk about hard modes too). I don't think the word "easy" fits Ulduar, even with the changes... I agree with Waldonnis, even 'nerfed' razorscale/XT/ignis are still more challenging then the T7 content. And from what I assume of blizzards design strategy is that it is to make the bosses get harder as you move further on into the instance, and they do not want to require a certain group makeup, and do not want it so that BiS gear is required. i.e. they're admitting that perhaps they overtuned those encounters slightly (note that in the PTR, guilds testing this stuff were pretty much wearing BiS gear, and were min/maxing to the teeth). also think of it this way: without the nerf I'd imagine we would have to go back to naxx to farm more gear, and/or boot people who are not performing up to there potential, because lets face it, we are having trouble staying alive/DPSing as it is. With out the nerfs, we were barely making the DPS race that is razorscale, and not even coming close to the XT002 DPS race. Ignis from a DPS perspective is a slightly more dynamic patchwerk... so come thursday we will get a better idea of where we stand in terms of individual DPS (everybody should be above 3.5 k, with some of us nearing 6-7k DPS, minus those that will have special assignments) . At this stage of raiding (only the second tier of the expansion), think T5 from BC (SSC/TK), not sunwell which is what the guys QQing on the forums are trying to compare it too.
  7. Kailand

    router woes

    I've had my Linksys 300N for over a year now, and am quite happy with it, and would recommend it to anyone.
  8. I did some research into razorscale, and it turns out that if your graphic settings are too low, the fire doesn't show up. the recommendation is to turn on projective texturings and to have your particle density at least to the second setting. Also, if you zoom out, you can see the blue streaking of the fire before it hits the ground, and move out of the way before it hits (the red streaking fireballs are unavoidable, and do 9-12 k damage a hit). The recommedation is to ignore any adds up, regardless of type when the 4th launcher becomes available, and DPS razorscale down. From the look of it we pretty much need to get razorscale down in under 3 ground phases (she's in the air for about 2 min, the gets grappled for 30 sec, repeat until 50%, 10 min enrage timer, so 3 ground phases puts us at the 7.5 + min mark. any delays in bringing razorscale to the ground phase takes away from our DPS time, which explains part of the reason for hitting the enrage mark). An interesting thing to note is that the adds still up during a ground phase can be dealt with if the tanks drag them infront of razorscale, as her breath that destroys the turrets also damage the adds. Last weeks kill was done in 9 min 50 seconds. Note that to do it in 3 ground phases requires our DPS to pump out a minimum of 4000 DPS each (this is lessened with healers/tanks dpsing during ground phases too, and dots will tick when razorscale flies away), and to stay alive. This should be fairly easy to do in 25 man gear, and we seem to be doing about that since we are getting razorscale down roughly 20-25% each ground phase. To do it in 2 ground phases requires DPSrs to hit 6200 DPS during the ground phases (which is possible for many classes, but not all, if they min/max and have close to best in slot gear). From my reading on the XT002 fight, we need to DPS the heart, but not kill it (killing it is what initiates hard mode). Melee should stay on the heart, and range should stay on the heart until the adds get into AoE range. It's recommended that the OT's pick up the larger adds and tank them while DPSing the boss. For ignis, it seems as if we are on the right track, and it will require just a bit of practice for us to get him down.
  9. Happy Birthday Baracko *hands baracko a cane*
  10. It looks like the realms won't be up until 8:00pm server at the earliest.
  11. we have more than 20 people signed up, so we will be filling up the group if we can.
  12. Ok, WE will be running tomorrow. We will need a few replacements, but I'm not too worried. I want thursday to be relaxing and fun (especially after this tuesday), so the plan is first to finish off naxxramas. After naxxramas, we will then do sartharion 2 drakes, and we will leave tenebron and vesperon up. The reason for this is I want people to practice more at staying out of bad stuff, than worrying about the DPS race elements that leaving shadron up introduces (not to mention the extra damage taken to the raid as a whole), and vesperon will be left up to give people some practice at the transition, jumping into the portal, and monitoring thier health (i.e. not DPSing themselves to death). If the replacements (if we have them) seem up to snuff, we will then give malygos a try or two. Kailand
  13. I'll start up the raid on thursday (as zu will be away and I have access to the DKP mod info) as long as we have atleast 20 still committed to go. depending on numbers we will do the rest of Naxx and Sartharion, and maybe malygos. If you cannot make it, please adjust your status on the ingame calander.
  14. Hi, I've been doing more reading to see what we can do to survive more on sartharion here are a few tips that I found -> TURN DOWN YOUR SPELL EFFECTS!!!! with your spell effects on low you should not see the AOE stuff, but still see the blue zones of death! (this should be big to melee that keep on dieing to blue stuff) -> Melee, position yourself between the drake and the lava, that way you don't need to stop DPSing during a flame wave, as you either hop into the lava, or are on land -> Ranged DPS/healers should be standing in a lave wave safe zone by default, and should move the minimum possible when moving to the alternate safe zone. Move back to your original position after the wave so the add tanks know where the adds will be moving to. This also lets you DPS through a flame wave if it happens to spawn in your default position. -> When vesperons acolyte is up, pay attention to your health and make sure you do not DPS if you drop below 12k health. if you drop below 12 k health, with shadrons acolyte still alive, you can take up to 12k damage from those meteor strikes (they will show up in your log as Fire Cyclone: Lava Strike). -> Make sure your boss mod is working and it gives you a noticable warning for flame waves (I would recommend Deadly boss mods as it has an audio warning for flame waves), and look out for yourself for where the flame wave is coming from!!! you should not have to rely on others for the call outs (everyone is human and can screw up the direction of the call, etc). -> Never ever stand infront of a drake. Pay attention to when drakes are being spawned and try to avoid getting between the drakes and the tank. The drakes do stop and breathe on the way to the tank after a misdirect. This video shows the 76 sec 10 man Sarth 3d kill... melee should watch it, as it shows the positioning to avoid the flame waves while still dpsing (sartharion is tanked where we tank our drakes):
  15. We did a great job in there guys, we missed patchwerk by 3 seconds, and thaddius.... thaddius we had until people ran in to loot (no charges until 0.005 seconds before his health hit 0, but he takes 0.5 seconds to 'die' (see here http://wowwebstats.com/rldxrmyoupnqu?s=248...&bl=258381). moral of the story, do not loot the boss until you are out of combat. AS for undying... we had a splat due to heigan, and one on KT (totally preventable deaths). We will get it next week guys!
  16. lol... the raid is scheduled for 8:00-11:00. Plus it gave uglutz some nice hate fodder. That was almost archimonde classic material (orcala, why are you in shattrath).
  17. Thank you everyone! And git off ov mah lawn, ya young whipper snapppers.
  18. WE are still one DPS short for this run (any class/DPS spec), again, I would prefer people who are heroically/lvl 80 instance geared. WE are working toward undying currently (and a few other achievements). If you are interested, or know of someone who is interested, please let me know by PM or in game. Kailand
  19. Hi, Here are some nice videos I've found on 6 min maly position for 10 man. The key is stacking the first two sparks and DPSing him down before the first vortex, and it looks like the having the raid DPS his ribs is the best way to ensure that malygos is 'kitable'. Notice that DKs and druids aren't required, and DPS takes care of the sparks when they get near. The best one (tank PoV): http://files.filefront.com/6+Minute+Malygo...;/fileinfo.html Another one from the Tank PoV: http://www.wegame.com/watch/6_minute_Malygos_10_man/ And finally the strat: http://www.stratfu.com/strats/MalygosFiveMinute
  20. We persisted and managed to get the 8 man achievements... special thanks for tokane who stepped in for 4-horseman, and to Jestin who swapped to tepheris for Kel-Thuzad (curse those frequent mini lagspikes of death). I am still looking for one more DPS (any class) for this run that can show up regularly (Wed, 8:00 pm). Next week (11th) we are going to try undying. Kailand
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