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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. *preps xiris for her annual rabies shot*
  2. Yay for dah cheif! much clomp'n will lat accomplish!
  3. Myself, I don't mind sitting at all. Have a healer respec DPS for a night and have a DPS sit, I'm sure not many are going to mind that much. I figure it would be at most 1 night a month (and probably more like one night every other month), which isn't a big deal, as alot of us would probably miss that due to RL issues anyways. Additionally this ensures that our replacements, etc. are at the same gear level so that when attendence issues may come up during Ulduar, we will be able to deal with them more effectively. I personnally thought that the original idea of having 30 in our stable roster was a better idea, as it would allow us to have a more stable progression come ulduar, without having to worry about burn outs, and the regular sort of absences that we have been seeing. And sitting out one night a month is nothing compared to other raiding guilds who swap people out on a per fight basis, and have a larger raiding roster. All in all, I think this is a good idea from a progression stand point. **** Just wanted to add one more thing, as it is, it would only be tuesday nights where a person would be required to sit, since Tizaria can't come sundays, and rhoach can't make it thursdays. So its more like one night every six months, not anything to go into a fit about.
  4. I'm in! Need that tasty rep *slurp*
  5. INTJ Introverted 78%, Intuitive 50%, Thinking 88%, Judging 78%
  6. Take a look at holy's Naxx faq (http://www.thehonorempire.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=12920) it has a little flash program showing the pattern.
  7. just in from MMO-Champion World of Warcraft now supports 3-D imaging. Visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/GeForce_3D_Vision_Main.html for more information. Is this going to be cool or what. The glasses look to cost about $200, and rely on 3d shutter technology (basically the monitor will display the left view while the glasses darken the right lense, and the right view when the left lense is darkened). This technology isn't new, but it works well, and it seems nvidia has solved some of the minor issues with the technology. I think I may pony up the cash and try this out myself.... Just think of that logon screen, the dragon will actually fly out of the screen, or various bosses.... like gruul/illidan/onyxia, etc.
  8. Holy got the love fever again? Removes the bottle of "Harne's Neat Love Sauce!" from Holy's hands* *Smells it, looks on the expiration date* 05/12/1998? HARNE!!! you could have killed someone with this ancient bottle of love. *Takes the bottle from Perthes, throws it up in the air, uses it for target practice. The bottle shatters and the contents spill all over Kailand's tent* ....*Hides her bow and points at Perthes* *hands Perthes a box of tissues* Lat can cleanup Harnes "Luv Sauce"
  9. Happy Birthday Mali! You should make Zurg dance to your music today (and choose an appropriate outfit... and post the pics )!
  10. I was thinking of a crossdressing tauren mage who has a unhealthy obsession with drenai/gnome half breeds. ("Look at the weee piggy squeel!")
  11. It always pains me to hear about thieves taking peoples hard earned stuff, regardless of the time of year, but at least you were alright, and in the end that is all that really matters. I hope that you get over this invasion of privacy, and continue to be the caring generous self that you are. I wish you and your family enjoy the true spirit of Christmas that comes from a being a true loving family, and enjoying the time you share with each other: no thief can take that from you. And I'm sure that 2009 will be a better year, just wait and see!
  12. Woot! Survival is getting a buff after all hunters are getting a significant nerf. The already announced steady shot nerf (going from 20% scaling on RAP to 10% scaling) of course, as well as the volley nerf (30% damage reduction) hurts hunters as a whole, but brings BM, and to a lesser degree MM into line with where blizzard wants pure DPS classes to be, but SV was significanly lower compared to those two builds. With the explosion shot buff (from 8% scaling to 18% percent scaling on RAP per charge, or anotherwords 24% to 54% effecting RAP scaling) puts it at the best scaling damaging shot that hunters have by a huge margin. This should make all 3 specs of hunters about equivalent, with SV probably pulling ahead at extremely high gear levels (think T8-T9) due to the scaling. The buff to masters call was needed, the ability was completely useless as is, due to the fact if the pet was CC'd (like in heroic nexus, the last boss) the ability couldn't be used. The buff to arcane shot is nice too, although SV won't see any use out of it due to sharing the same cooldown with explosive shot, it will give MM and BM hunters a slight buff and shot variety. The spore cloud 'buff' is just really a work around for the ability so the pet doesn't do crazy pathing while trying to use the ability.
  13. *takes scrunchies from kadi's supah sekrit stash* Dis be in latz honour! *light the scunchies in one foul swoop using an explosive shot*
  14. I'd love to go, but unfortunately I'm part of Baracko's 25 man run which includes the dragons (Sartherion/Malygos) and Naxxramas. *edited for typos
  15. I'll give it a shot this year.
  16. For thadius, those of you who did the first boss on heroic mechanar should know the mechanic. The way we did it last night was not according to the diagram (which is probably why everyone was confused for the first few attempts, I know I was) but we stacked like charges on the tank, and the people of the opposite charge were on the other side of the boss. (i.e. during polarity shift, if the tank is +ve, all +ves stacked ontop of the tank, and -ves ran wide around to the opposite side of the boss). I can see how they would do Razuvious with hunters - distracting shot is a ranged 'taunt' type ability, i.e. the hunter will have agro for as long as the distracting shot debuff is up. So it's just a matter of 2 hunters bouncing him between them alternating distracting shots. I looks like a fun way of doing that fight... and no, I'm not volunteering, we do have more than one priest.
  17. Wat dis???!!! the start of Season 5.
  18. it will install fine on 8 gig of ram... the issue was with certain video card/chipsets with more than 4 gig of ram with 64 bit vista, but it has been fixed with an update shortly after release.
  19. Lately I've read about an uptake in hacked accounts, and of course the recent chat about the Blizzard Authenticator (link here: http://www.blizzard.com/store/search.xml?q=authenticator). The authenticator is 6.50, with free shipping within the US, and you have to pay for shipping to other regions. The authenticator is by no means a guarantee of security for your warcraft account, but it is a good measure, on top of smart browsing practices and regular security measures should make your account that much bit harder to hack. If your account has been hacked in the pass, of course before putting the authenticator onto your account, is first get your account back, change your email account password from a known safe computer or change your warcraft account email all together to a 'clean' e-mail account (this is usually the primary reason why accounts get hacked again and again, they get the new info via your e-mail account), and then change your warcraft password, also from a clean computer, then register the Authenticator for that account. There has been 'alleged' cases of hackers who still have access to your e-mail account, getting access to your wow account and having blizzard removing the authenticator, and thereby re-hacking the account. With all this being said, are you getting one? What do you think about them? I'd like to know, and I'm sure the rest of us do to. **edit** I forgot to add I'm getting one for the extra peace of mind, and I am also getting one for my brother for christmas.
  20. Happy Birthday Morgh! Another year passed by should make our chief even wiser!
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