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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. Haha thanks! Ya got 5 bars to go till 80, woulda got it but server down =( So ill be back to ding this afternoon. Congrats... as for me, I'm not really racing (in fact I'm going pretty slowly) but I've also spent alot of time in game so it may seem as if I'm racing to some people, but I've explored and complete all quests in both starter zones, done lots of instances, finished Dragonblight and just started in Grizzly hills. I've really enjoyed the quest lore so far and don't plan on speeding up/slowing down at all.
  2. Wow. Hostile. However, you are correct, sir! I called Blizz, told them I wouldn't have the chance to grind today, so they could take the servers down today with my blessing. It seemed like the perfect time to get things in tip top condition so that I can grind to my heart's content beginning tomorrow. Suck it, Zurg! well, looks like they have it down to practice for thursday when wotlk content goes live.
  3. I can relate to how you feel. Before I was in CS, I was in a well-known guild that is a conglomeration of two types of players: raiders and friends/family. I used to raid with them before TBC came out, and at the time of the expansion, I rerolled and fell out of the 'raider' category. I had many friends there, and they are good people, so I stuck with them doing 5-mans and learning to play my class better until opportunity knocked. It did knock, and not from where I thought it would. I became involved with a Kara raid made mostly of CS members, and I loved the experience. Even when not in their guild, they made me feel like a welcome part of their little group. Over time, I felt more 'separated' from my old guild, and finally switched my tag. Though this guild, like any other, has its ups and downs, never once have I regretted my choice to come on over. I would go on, but I can already see Waldy and Kailand's eyes rolling. They think I talk too much or something. Welcome to the family. I hope you continue to enjoy your stay with us. no.... its just when you talk you have a habit of making 'friends' and meeting up with friendly patches of fire/volcanoes. It is nice to hear that others hold us to such high esteem though.
  4. Those sound like good ideas although a bit strict. How about having one tab of the guild bank for 'retro' items including patterns? Alot of people are rerolling new characters, or just levelled their current characters quickly and could probably still use BC and preBC patterns and materials. I agree that green quality gear is not worthwhile to put into the guild bank, but what about green quality mats? Some of these are hard to get (khorium comes to mind), and benefit only a few professions which inherently makes them more valuable. As for blues, there are blues, then there are garbage. There are some blues that are highly sought after, should we be limiting the number of those type in our guild bank? For example the Braxxis' Staff of Slumber, or the Pathfinder's Band. Then there are the garbage blues that should be vendored or DEd, like the Pauldrons of Surging Mana, which probably shouldn't even be in the guild bank at all. If you are talking about pre-wotlk blues and limiting them to only one slot apiece then that makes sense, but stuff like this can be put into a retro tab. As for potions, with the changes (can only use one potion during combat) potions are near completely worthless, but flasks and elixirs are still good, so is it still worthwhile to put potions in the guild bank? Perhaps the answer to this is to make a tab that is only for deposits that the officers then can make some decisions on to the usability and relative 'quality' or 'desirablility' of the item, and then they can decide whether or not an item is worthwhile to be put into a longer term bank tab, and the ones that they deem not worthwhile to keep they can deal with at the end of every week so. All the other tabs would have to be set to withdrawl only for everyone but officers. The benefit of this sort of layout is it will keep the tabs organised so people can find stuff. I know right now there is a lot of junk everywhere, for example the protection potions which nobody uses (or even planned to use during BC), or the BEM flasks which takes up alot of slots that could be used for more valuable additions. By limiting the number of slots, etc., especially within the first six months or so in WotLK you are going to make people hesitant to use the guild bank for fear of putting in their 'awesome' blue just to be vendored because there is already another one in there, or a person taking out an 'awesome' blue because they don't want to potentially deprive another person who might need it more because who knows when the next time it may be available to the guild bank. The crushers have a history of generousity that I wouldn't want to see disturbed from a rigid management scheme. If the problem is a matter of guild bank tab space, hopefully the problem will be solved when we liberate the excess slots of 'junk' stuff (like protection potions, BEM elixirs, etc) as well as the tab that has BC mats in for the the start of profession grinds, as well as more stringent regulation of stuff in general, such as keeping gear in a gear tab, crafting mats in a crafting tab, preventing common materials (i.e. white quality leather, herbs, ore, cloth, etc.) from even being put into a permanent tab (i.e. keep it in a volatile tab so it can be used right away, or vendored after a short while), etc..
  5. I would like to thank all of the regulars, as well as the generous replacements, it was a blast. I've sent out the remaining void crystals. I figure I may start a 10 man naxx or something in the new year, but in the mean time, enjoy the lore and leveling
  6. If it makes you feel anybetter, from the various stuff i've seen posted about gear/etc, T4 level gear will probably only last to 72, T5 until about 75, and T6 to 68-70, and some sunwell gear stuff won't be replaced until Naxx. infact you will be replace the badge xbow at about 68 from a quest reward. don't chooses based on gear, it's going to be replaced quickly, choose who you want to play that is the most fun for you right now. As for me, my main focus is kailand just because I like the style. Kargoch will probably be levelled once I run out of stuff to do on kailand (so probably not until the new year), and I will be leveling him prot due to the huge damage increase, as well as survivability. Prot dmg gear is all about shield block rating, shield block value, and strength.
  7. Kailand


    It was great to have you, and I wish you the best of luck on the other side of wrath of the lich king. Have fun with your guild meeting.
  8. Quickly do the thrallmar daily to capture the towers, there very rarely is PvP involved for that and you get a free 5 min trinket. otherwise you are playing russian roulette for the first boss.
  9. Kailand

    Fresh Blood

    Nooooooooooo! Not the scrunchies!!! *dives into the fire to rescue them all, making sure to put up fire protection aura first* *Emerges, looking a little singed around the edges, cradling what she was able to save* Meanieheads! No heals for you! *stomps off to her tent* Ah see dat kadiana still luvs be'n in dose fires. Kadi be lik dis guy:
  10. Kailand


    Free firestarters!
  11. Kailand

    Fresh Blood

    *lights a scrunchi and then grins at what Mali says* does lat say wut mez tink lat say? *dodges kalea's smack*
  12. My post was primarily for PvE... Spiders, crabs, and chimeras seem to be neato pvp pets.
  13. I can bring kailand (still one more piece of gear that has eluded me in there), or if you don't get a Druid/warrior tank (strongly suggested for the 3rd and 4th boss due to mana drains and silences) I can bring Kargoch. I consider Kthylus undergeared for Hyjal so I'm not offering him. I would also like to remind everyone who is going to bring thier PvP trinket, you will need it for the first and last bosses. You can now get a free one (5 min cooldown) for doing the hellfire peninsula Capture the Towers daily. Make sure you read up on the fights as there isn't anytime to relax between the trash waves and the boss, so explanations will be thin, and they all have tricks and require a high degree of situational awareness (stay out of bad ######, looking out for debuffs on yourself etc). If you find that you die alot in ZA/TK/SSC due to bad positioning and other things related to situational awareness, then you will more than likely die a lot more in hyjal so you may want to practice more at looking around more instead of focussing on wack-a-mole or dpsing (the kaelthas fight is good practice - make it a goal to not die to flame strike, or get hit by thaladred or the astromancer, as well if you are a dpsr practice swapping targets fast between the pheonix and Kaelthas when pyroblast is called while doing all of that). The trash waves for the first two bosses is relatively easy with a paly tank and lots of AOE... just do not grab agro or you will probably die. the trash waves for the second two bosses... can well... suck.
  14. Hunter rejoice! Shandara has taken over from Cheeky and Lactose and has updated the Hunter DPS Spreadsheet (http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t30710-hunter_wotlk_dps_spreadsheet/). I've also gotten some questions in regard to gearing, and see other hunters confused as to what is an upgrade so I also have a rough ranking of gear below for Pre-T6 gear. Some of the interesting theory crafting tidbits: - I was wrong in the above post regarding Careful aim: if you have no more than 2 leather pieces, then spec 3/3 careful aim, and 2/5 mortal shots. - Haste is only worthwhile to have until you get your steadyshot cast time to 1.5 sec, after that haste will only increase your auto shot DPS (which is less than 30% of hunter DPS). This means that for BM hunters, haste is next to useless, but for MM and SV hunters it is good (hit, agility, haste, 2AP, crit, Armor Pen, int, sta for MM/SV stat DPS ratings, for BM haste comes after int). If you are currently specced BM and have alot of haste, you may want to try out MM. Some gear rankings for Pre-T6 -The best neck is still the Worgen Claw necklace (Attuman) if you are not hit capped, otherwise it is the Shattered Sun Pendant of Might. if you are scryer or a survival hunter, Telonicus's Pendant of might (Verdant SPhere/Kael'thas) is comparable ot the shattered sun pendant of might. -Drape of the dark reavers (Kara) remains the best pre-hit capped cloak, then there is the Thalassian wildercloak (Kael'thas), cloak of fiends (ZA chest) then the badge cloak. The Talassian Wilder cloak is slightly better than the cloak of fiends if you are SV or BM, otherwise the Cloak of fiends is better. -Badge gear and ZA gear is better than the T5 pieces (the chest being the exception if you are not hit capped) -The DST is worse than quest blues now for BM hunters, and is #1 for SV and MM hunters (a complete reversal). This means that the rankings are now: DST (MM/SV only, from gruul), Tsunami Talisman (Leo), Beserkers Call (Zul'jin), Shadowsong panther (JC), Bloodlust Brooch (BadgE), Direbrew Mug, Assassin's Alchemist stone (Alchemists), Hourglass of the unraveller (Black Morass). Romeo's poison vial is worse than all of these for a hunter, even if you need the hit. -For rings the ranking is: the Ring of lethality (Hydross), Angelista's Revenge (Badge), Signet of Primal Wrath (ZA Chest), Band of the Ranger-General (Kael'thas), Garona's Signet Ring (Curator), ring of a thousand marks(Prince), and then a few Quested lvl 70 blue rings. Note that the kara rep ring is bad for hunters if they have any of the other rings in this list, hit capped or not. -The Badge X-Bow is #1 until sunwell for all specs -For melee weapons: the Badge Axe is #1 for MM/SV, and the Twinblade of the Pheonix (Kael'thas) is #1 for BM (#2 for MM/SV). After those, a combo of onehanders become good: Umbral Shiv (ZA-Chest), the badge fist weapons, Daggers of bad mojo (Malacrass), Breeching Comet(Magisters terrace). These are followed by TRollbane (ZA chest), and the Vengeful waraxe (Arena welfare axe). These are followed by the Alar Melee weapons, then the the ZA haste weapons (unless you are BM/SV), then finally the kara daggers/sword. -The PvP Bracers Remain #1, with the Badge bracers #2 -The ZA leather belt is #1, followed by the SSC craftable belts, then the badge belt, and then the PvP belt -For boots the #1 are the leather badge boots (Nyn'jah's Tabi boots), the za chest reward boots, the Boots from vashj, boots from Solarion, and then the fiend slayer boots (kara) Pets -Currently the highest DPS pet is the non-exotic cat. after the next incremental patch hits (3.0.3), then the devilsaur will be #1, with the cat still being the #1 non-exotic pet. -The highest DPS pet spec for ferocity pets is: 2/2 Cobra Reflexes, 1/1 Dash, 3/3 Spiked Collar, 3/3 Avoidance, 3/3 Spiders Bite, 1/1 Rabid.
  15. Hi all! It looks like we are now missing 4 people for ZA on halloween night (Ascoli, Cresalia, Greenspring, and Takaas). if we can find reasonable replacements I am still willing to give this a go, but I'll need some interest first. So I would like a tank (prefer paly, but will take druid/warrior), a healer, and some DPS. Please post in this thread if you are interested, or know of somebody who is. Unfortunately people from shelah's run aren't elegible due to the reset timing (resets friday morning, then monday morning) but if you have alts in kara level gear, you are fine to bring them. The ZA run starts at 9:00 and will probably last for a little over an hour (10:15ish) assuming we go at our normal pace.
  16. except it gets old fast. WTB no more forced participation in 'zombie' related activities.
  17. Wow, how many bachelor parties/weddings have you been to in the past six months? It seems as if you are away every other weekend for one.
  18. I'm there on kailand, with yummy yummy AOE and mana regen.
  19. Hi, After reading the various theory crafting and playing around with kailand, 3.0 has seen hunters get some big buffs. I've also noticed by grouping with other hunters, that they have not realized that hunters are now first class AoErs - Volley has no cooldown and has been buffed big time. Whenever there is 3 or more guys use volley... it's major DPS. Just to give you an idea of the amount of damage volley does: I out damaged warlocks and mages who out geared me on a MC retro run on the AOE packs. Serpent sting is now a bread and butter ability since it buffs other hunter abilties: use it. Steady shot can now be spammed without worrying about autoshot push back, so spam it when your other shots are on cooldown. MM hunters will want to use chimera shot whenever possible (damn sexy ability), and survival hunters will be spamming Explosive shot (ignore arcane except when there is a risk of CC breakage than use arcane instead of explosive: they share the same cooldown but explosive is more DPS). Survival hunters with explosive shot == never running out of mana, since ever time it crits, you get 40% of the original cost of its mana back due to thrill of the hunt, and that includes crits on nearby mobs and for every pulse. This means that in aoe packs, you can go from 0 mana to full mana with one explosive shot, plus the hunting party replenishment. Now, many hunter who aren't MM are going BM/MM or SV/MM hybrids. Right now there is no reason to go more than 51 points in SV or BM, as you are severly nerfing your DPS if you do. All hunter will need to put 5 points into mortal shots (20% more crit damage) as in pre 3.0 case. Leave careful aim alone for now, its not worth the points right now unless your crit is absolutely horrible (say less than 20% or 25%), and put as many points in Focused aim as you need to get to the hit cap, and put the remainder into lethal shots (so something like this). I haven't played around with MM or BM, but with SV you have 2 choices on how to choose your talents: DPS or CC. right now, even warriors can AOE tank half decently so the extra CC really isn't needed and I can trap fine with out them even non talented, so I chose the DPS route. The DPS route you don't pick up any trap talents, scatter shot, or wyvernsting, but in exchange you have super crit for explosive shot, as well as damage boosting talents. The CC route is probably more meant for PvP and would look some thing like this (the lack of focused aim is due to not needing as much hit in PvP, and aimed shot is now an instant and that debuff in PvP is worth more than the 51 point talent). For BM hunters, there is two builds that seem popular, one with exotic pets and one without. The one without is a bit more DPS at 70 according to test, but really the separation isn't huge. Again, shift points from careful aim and lethal shots into focused aim if you need the hit. For MM hunters, the build that I've seen that promises to be the high MM DPS build is this. Again take points out of lethal shots or carefulful aim and put them into focused aim if you need the hit. Now for pets.... I love my gorilladin, yes a tamed gorilla speced right is an awesome AOE tanking pet. Devilsaurs are great DPS pets and corehounds are good hybrid tank/DPS pets from what I've heard. For non-BM hunters, it looks like cats and raptors are the big DPS pets, but not by a huge margin. Choose a tenacity pet for tanking, Ferocity for DPS, and Cunning for Mana Return/DPS/survivability. I welcome others to put in the various tips and tricks they've learned for 3.0.
  20. I thought Ronstin sent Kthylus a Lay on Hands glyph on Tuesday while he was power-leveling. you sent the major glyph... there is also a minor glyph of the same name.
  21. hrm, if you are offering then: Kailand could use the Glyph of Steady Shot, Glyph of Feign Death, and the Glyph of Mend Pet. Kargoch could use the Glyph of Charge, Glyph of Devestate, and the Glyph of Thunderclap. Kthylus could use the Glyph of Flash of Light, and the Glyph of Lay on Hands
  22. If you are leveling enchanting, I think there are a few cheap yellow and green chants that can get you all the way to max. Str to gloves and shield enchants stick in my head for some reason. I know with my paly I got to 380 only using dust an essences, which is a hell of alot cheaper than primals or shards. You may want to look into those. Wowhead says that strength to gloves is learned from the trainers in shat, thrallmar, and stormspire.
  23. Hunters need a hug too... they now have taken all viability from the survival tree. Aspect of the Beast.... melee power boost to a hunter which will never be used as it it never used now... at least we can tell who the melee huntards are and avoid them at all costs. Scatter shot in the survival tree... LOL. Why don't they make it trainable? Surefooted has been nerfed to the point of uselessness (no more chance to hit) so why even pick it up? What this build is nerfing survival to the point of being the near equivalent of a 0/0/0 build, while buffing marks to the point were it doesn't make sense to spec anything but marks. So in the expansion don't count on any hunters being mana batteries.
  24. Lies. I totally saw him on an alt last night. =P Big grats, man! your swimmies work! Screenshot or it didn't happen (yes, we want pics!) Congratulations!
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