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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. You do like spreading that love out Harne... And goodluck!
  2. It's a tough call... I'll probably stick with kailand even with the craptastic job blizzard is doing to hunters, but then again warriors look really exciting from what I've read and heard.
  3. Ok, we are looking for a healer substitute for Jiris, as she will be cavorting with Tainish in NYC (have fun guys). We have Perforated to replace tainish (not that you can REALLY replace him, but we can try). for those that are interested we run from 9:00 pm on friday to 12 midnight (give or take a bit depend on progress).
  4. Woot! The one arm troll is dead, Azeroth is a safer place now. Congratulations to everyone!
  5. WE had a great night in there tonight, and hopefully Jestin's internet connection will co-operate next week, as well as the RNG for malacrass adds. Thank you perforated for subbing in.
  6. Beast master would have been nice Only if a hunter can tame that druid...
  7. it's not like flare is of anyuse (as if it is useful now), as rogues will be able to disarm traps without moving into the flare, plus shadow dance means that they can use abilities that require stealth when they are not stealthed.
  8. Ok, we should be ready to go friday night, the roster has shifted slightly as Maube has hordlings to worry about, we have Tepheris' mage Jestin as part of our squad. as we have had a long break, we will take it slowly. Kill order is the same as always: eagle, bear, dragon hawk, lynx, malacrap, and zul-jin. Roster: Kargoch Ascoli Jaryndis Greenspring Jiris Tainish Creasalia Kazragerg Takaas Jestin Again, start time is 9:00 pm and we go until 12:00 pm (and maybe a touch later if people are up for it/ progression is good). Hopefully I see you all there! -Kargoch
  9. With a lack of enthusiatic replacements, I'm just going to cancel ZA this week. Hopefully we will be refreshed to tackle Zul'jin's stronghold next friday. The next 2 weeks we will need only one replacement, that being in a ranged DPS slot (one of Hunter/Mage/Warlock/SP/Boomkin/Elemental Shaman), so if any are interested please let me know.
  10. WE are still looking for tank/heals/AOEDPS. For those that might be part of other raids and are unsure on RaidIDs, the resets that bracket this friday are the 14th and the 17th, with reset times being 8:00 am (server time I think).
  11. Ok, For this coming friday night (15th) we are looking for replacements for Ascoli, Jiris, and Tainish (Tank, heals, AOE/DPS). if any are interested please let me know. We run from 9:00 until 12:00 or 12:30 (depends on everyones state of wakefulness and progression).
  12. Heyo. Due to Orcala and myself celebrating our anniversary together (6 years, zomg), I may be a tad late for Sunday's run. I expect to be home a bit after 1:30PM or so . Congratulations Holyssa and Orcala!
  13. The disadvantage to salvation for us hunters for bloodboil is that it nerfs our misdirects, as well as damage after the first bit. sure, with salvation you can open up on him sooner, but after the first insignificance (unless you get 3 FD resists in a row, which is rare) the tanks should have a big enough lead for you to go full out with full DPS buffs, leading to more DPS than what you would have with salvation. From my reading there is only 1 boss in the game currently where it is advantageous for hunters to have salvation, and that is for Reliquary.
  14. I was browsing the hunter forums, and someone posted pics of a tamed devilsaur (from MMO champion), which is one of the exotic pets that can be tamed with the new 51 point Beast Master hunter talent. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images.../devilsaur1.jpg http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images.../devilsaur2.jpg http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images.../devilsaur3.jpg I may just have to switch to BM come expansion....
  15. Gruul's lair is 30 min tops with a group that knows the encounter, same with mags
  16. My fellow prot warriors... make sure you get your DPS gear fully ready to go (enchants, etc) as we will be DPS for leo as Ascoli and a warlock will be the tanks. Read up on the fight, and get ready to pay attention to the whirlwind boss timers. We don't want to be the ones under the influence of MC (they will all laugh at us as they burn us down), so we need to be able to burn down our inner demons fast.
  17. hrm, sounds interesting... I'm willing to bring my holy paly, kthylus. I'm currently working on getting him some gear so hopefully he will be ready.
  18. Here is the pet talent calculator... drool... so many pets, so little stable space. http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?pet
  19. looking at the proposed hunter talents, it looks like BM will still be the big raid spec tree, SV will be the Raid buff tree, and MM will be the PvP tree. At least hunter only need to spec 10 points into marks now, and don't need to bother with aimed shot (although 20 points into marks still looks interesting). I can see every group fighting over a SV hunter now... free mana/rage/energy per crit... and with over 50% at current gear levels fully buffed at lvl 70... but who knows what level 80 wil bring. BM hunters will have unlimited mana when using viper, and a lot more AP using hawk. MM gets to play with underpowered stings... and the odd procing extra attack, lol. Ooo, I forgot to mention that SV gets a meaningfull smal AOE as a 51 point talent. I'd probably go as http://www.mmo-champion.com/talent/?hunter...000000000000000 for SV, and as BM probably more of http://www.mmo-champion.com/talent/?hunter...000000000000000
  20. Kailand

    July Promotions

    *nods at the wisdom of the elders* Welkum grunts, agh congratulations to dose dat be promoted... may latz to dah clan much honor!
  21. Don't let that douche fool you Ug, he's almost as helpless as I am. I have removed a bunch of programs, reduced effects and such in game, defrag'd, scanned, updated drivers...pretty much did all I knew to improve. I was on last night and had about 6 d/c's in 3 hours-I heard they were screwng with the server yesterday and wasn't the only one in my group having issues; so let's hope it was not my setup. However, I was streaming Sat radio thru my pc and noticed that whenever I d/c'd, the sat radio would go silent as well. This leads me to believe that I am still having issues. I run Vista, which I heard gives people issues-not sure what to do at this point but pray. Could it be the protection I have set up on the pc? If I have an aftermarket software installed, should I still run the windows stuff? K ya... if you are using norton firewall or mcaffee fire wall, get rid of them, they are known to cause some major issues. I personally use the vista built in firewall - its free and does the job good enough. The problem probably isn't vista, alot of people are running it and wow fine. Oh, and stop downloading tauren porn douche... that's probably what is causing all your connection issues .
  22. We have Jasena substituting for Greenspring, thanks for the quick response Jasena.
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