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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. I would like to congratulate everyone on a job well done! We got the first timed chest, were about 4 minutes from the second chest (and with the second chest we would have had enough time for the 3rd chest), 2 shot malacrass with the worst possible add composition, and nearly got zul'jin down (13%)! Things to remember for next time: Omen is your friend, make sure you have it (not pointing fingers). Plus next week Greenspring has to attend a wedding, so we will definately need a replacement healer. Let me know if you are interested.
  2. Greenspring unfortunately cannot make it for Friday night ZA tomorrow (11th of July), so we are looking for a replacement healer. If you are interested please reply to this thread and send me a pm. The run is from 9:30 pm to about 12:30 pm. (depends on progress we make on malacrass). Kailand.
  3. Congratulations everyone! My FR tanking set is done.... but we aren't finished gathering mats yet, we still need to get our add tanks thier resist rings, and for that we still need: 24 Primal Shadow 10 Primal Life 22 Primal Water 4 Primal Fire 8 Felsteel bars
  4. I would like to reiterate that we still need resist mats: Frost resist MT 28 primal Water 16 primal fire and for the offtanks (for the FR and NR rings... that in addition to buffs/auras and perhaps the cloak from bot should be all they need): 24 Primal Shadow 24 Primal Life 24 Primal Water 24 Primal Fire 8 Felsteel bars
  5. I would just like to remind everyone that this coming friday is cancelled. We will start back up again on the 11th of july. Have a good long weekend people!
  6. As an add tank, all you really need are the two rings, and maybe the cloak, the rest of you standard tanking gear is good enough. Just send all primals to Maube for now.
  7. I would just like to add for the Add tanks, try to pick up the resist cloak from the first boss in botanica (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28301) and get it enchanted with a resist all enchant. The add tanks should also get the resist rings crafted... they shouldn't really need anyother resist gear than that. Ok, so we have 4 OT's so we will need 4 more of each of the rings to be crafted, that means we need: 24 Primal Shadow 24 Primal Life 24 Primal Water 24 Primal Fire 8 Felsteel bars 8 khorium bars In addition to the MT resist gear. If they have the above listed gear (cloak with enchant and 2 rings), with the appropriate aura/totem and Improved mark, they will have 157 frost and nature resistance, which should be good enough.
  8. Hi, I just thought I'd remind everyone that we need to get some resist gear made if we want to do SSC, The nature resist plate pieces for ascoli have been crafter, but we still need more fires and waters for the frost resist plate. I have enough to make 1 peice. So we need: 24 primal water 24 primal fire to complete the Frost resist plate Donations of khorium would be appreciated too. Additionally we need to craft the frost/nature resist neck/ring/kits. This will require more fires/waters/lifes/shadows. For a list of which mats are needed for what pieces, refer to http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p3P...baATg&gid=5 Remember, raiding is a team exercise, everyone needs to contribute to succeed. **** ok, Ascoli is done his resist set, thanks for those that donated Lifes/Shadows to the cause. Now we need to finish of the frost resist gear. including gear/kits/enchants/etc, we need: 28 More primal Water 16 more primal fire *** update Have the Ring and the Neck made, and mats for one of the plate pieces. Keep those mats coming
  9. It looks like the nerf to MgT was mainly to the normal version.. the heroic version looks to be largely the same. Gems for arena points, lol! Not like anyone except for the truly hardcore will be getting them, as anyone else isn't likely to play arena with S4 with the screwed up rating requirements. The big fix seems to be the equiping items during spellcast now cancels the spell cast. And a fix for hunters: instant abilities used after steadyshot will no longer lock out auto shot! Oh, and yay for miners: Green gems will now be minable from nodes again *happy dance*
  10. Great night guys, and even though things were messy, there were lots of improvements all around. DPS was up overall, when those with lesser gear finally catch up to those with better gear we will have enough DPS to tear through the T5 content, as well as getting those less familiar with 25 content used to doing their task within the group fully used to their roles. About the only thing I think that needs to be worked on is general awareness including the 'Stay out of the goo/falling rocks/fire/bad touch' areas... there are alot of these in T5 content. Hurray! May Gruul and Bagtheridon drop more phat epics next week!
  11. Yikes, 200 yards... I can picture no shaman making past 70 due to all the evading monsters due to that knock back.
  12. Great run everyone... got that ###### malacrass down to 13%... hopefully we will kill him next week. In the future we will not break CC during the bolts... to make the healers lives easier. Also Cresalia and I need to get better at getting out of whirlwinds and interupting the heals. I posted the results too. Any future run can also be accessed from this page: http://wowwebstats.com/ro6el5mg4eoeu Note that there is Monday's ZA Bear run, The gruul/Mag run. and the BT/HS run as well. Our run is ZA - Friday night.
  13. I particularly liked your total damage on the Gruul takedown, Stinky. Do you think I could top it by waving my leafy limbs at him while healing Kar? He he.... It looked like gruul put a kitty in a blender... Calandor has got to stop give raid bosses these ideas.
  14. Woot! Gruul and Magtheridon shall fear us from now on! For all our tanky types - please refer to our ol' SSC/TK Google table for mats needed to build Nature/Frost Resist gear for when we're ready to stomp on Mr. Bubble (Hydross): http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p3P...baATg&gid=5 Farm your stuff ahead of time, and make Maube super happy >.> Help farming the required mats from all those involved in the raid would be great too... I doubt that the tanks can farm ALL the mats themselves in the time frame that we are thinking of, every little thing will help. The key thing is the primals, so if you have extras that you can provide, let Maube know.
  15. Congrats Everyone! We got the first 4 of the bosses down, and got in a few attempts on Malacrass. I would like to thank Vier for filling in for Cresalia... Mock her with that off hand sword you got from Akil'Zon. Grats to our healers for the rest of the loot: Jaryndis with the shield and the helm, and Greenspring with the healy chest. We missed the first chest... All my fault for not reacting fast enought to pick up the bear when he seperated from the troll... NEXT week guys, NEXT week we will get our first timed chest. For next week, try to fill in any holes in your gear/enchants/consummables. I highly recommend the rejuv pots that you get from the gathering daily to help casters during spirit bolts, and healthpots for us elite non mana users. Oh, for those of you interested, you can view the WWS stats for the runs at http://wowwebstats.com/ro6el5mg4eoeu under ZA - Friday Night.
  16. Hi, I've talked to a bunch of people ingame recently about is something an upgrade over something else. There are several class oriented spreadsheets out there, and hopefully we can use this thread to compile them all in one place. As more spreadsheets/tools are added to this thread, I'll add them to this first post. Also I'd like to add what the current cookie cutter raid spec is, to help those less knowledgable in thier class to help them progress into karazhan and beyond, Since I see a lot of people who spend their talents in what is generally considered PvP or solo only and then wonder why their DPS is lower than what it could be. Disclaimer: there are usually more than one raid spec for each class... but the others are usually due to gear levels, raid buffs, or fulfilling a specific role (i.e. tank/healer). I will ask that no one post questions in this thread... keep it to strictly specs/class spreadsheets/tools, as my last thread got a little derailed. If there are questions probably the best place to put them is in the derail thread: http://www.thehonorempire.org/forums/index...showtopic=12287 For hunters, there is a phenominal spreadsheet, that is very comprehensive, and fairly easy to use if you know hunter mechanics. it covers gear/spec/procs/buffs/pets... basically everything to do with the hunter class all in one spreadsheet (as long as your using excel... open office you need to enter stuff manually... a pain). It also has a rough gear upgrade section too (not always 100% accurate, but it is quite good). As for the spec... it is the cookie cutter BM spec, and is considered the highest personal DPS spec in the game, and only very few variations of it are acceptable. and for those saying MM is a raiding spec, it isn't, it's a 5 man/PvP spec. Survival is a raid spec when done properly, but is heavily reliant on raid makeup and gear. As for a shot rotation... for BM it is really easy: Auto-steady, repeat. or even better, use this macro and spam it until the cows come home: #showtooltip Steady Shot /cast !Auto shot /castrandom [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command /cast Steady Shot /script UIErrorsFrame: Clear() Kailand ************************ Hunter Spreadsheet (Cheeky's): http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t9816-hunter_s...--_development/ Hunter Spec 1: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000 Hunter Spec 2: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...210322300530300 Mage Spreadsheet: Mage Spec 1: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=obhVZxgGzfcsoeRt0h Mage Spec 2: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=oZxgGzfcIoeRtVG00o Warlock Spreadsheet (Leuler's): http://www.leulier.com/ Warlock Spec 1: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=IZsxczIozZEt0tr0zhhi Warlock Spec 2: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=IEMrVMfzVtbocxZxx Paladin Tank Spreadsheet: Paladin Tank Spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sZVhxIx0zMgqtVbx Rogue Spreadsheet: Rogue Spec: http://wowhead.com/?talent=f0eboxLZMIVb0VzxMGkt Druid Feral Tool (Rawr): http://druid.wikispaces.com/Rawr Druid Feral Spec:
  17. If you need any help, just ask.
  18. The friday night clomp'n squad killed three of the henchmen of Zul'jin (Nalorakk, Halazzi, and Janalai) in our first night in Zul'aman. Congratulations all! Next week we go for the first timed chest, and add Akilzon's head to our trophy table. Just a friendly reminder, if your gear has sub optimal enchants for your primary role (DPS, Heal, Tank), please fix them. Maube and Waldonnis can help, and we have extra Arcane Dusts and Greater Planar Essences. As for our plunder: Jiris got a pretty new dress from Nalorakk (he should see a shrink keeping, with that on him). Ascoli was fitted for pair of farming boots from Halazzi (I wonder how a linx wears plate boots) Kazragerg acquired some old chain mail chest piece from that flaming lunatic Janalai. (I didn't know that dragon hawks wore armor)
  19. Kargoch is ready for tankage.
  20. According to blizzard, Adobe flash has a huge vulnerability, and is likely the vector used to compromise many accounts. The new version of flash is patched to fix this issue, so make sure you download it.
  21. He also cloned Taiden to replace Uglutz. But hey, its calandor who can mistake a blue square for a red X....
  22. Here are some Azgalore videos that I found. From an OT Healer PoV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-9ZhouPnps From an OT PoV: From an Elemental shammy PoV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PXrHHx7ktQ From a resto Shammy PoV: The common thread out of all of these is they the tauren warriors for the doomguards. An interesting thing from all the videos that I saw (including ones I didn't post) is that there are 3 popular tanking places: by Thrall, by the entrance to the encampment, and (least popular) by the tauren warriors. One thing we might want to think about is instead of placing a ranged DPSr on the doomgaurds... toss in some of our melee like what they do in the first video. That should minimize the number of them getting caught in the rain of fire, and spares the ranged DPS which have a higher mobility and a greater spread between them. Just to add, Range DPS should be at MAX range (35+ yards) to avoid the rain of fires (http://elitistjerks.com/f15/t17255-azgalor_rain_fire/p7/). If your ranged and getting hit by the rain of fires you are too god damn close! And this taken by someone in the above elitist jerks thread to make the fight easy mode (only 2 heal targets, MT and OT using this strat): 1) Tank the boss where Thrall stands 2) Tank the Doomguards by the Tauren Warriors 3) Don't let anyone but the MT get within 36 yards of the boss. Ever. 4) Put melee, and anyone who can't dps from 36 yards on the Doomguards
  23. I would like to hear about hers
  24. Kailand


    Sigh... it's going to take days to take down you two..... Perthes and I may run out of ammo, then you got us.
  25. Bah, I don't think those dead Stormtroopers would consider being killed by Luke's lightsaber as being an act of love It's Tough love
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