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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. Kailand

    Undying run

    /afraid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enz0gNLctaA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfGDhQ-WZtU http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/2528/catcarxk1.gif says it all
  2. thank you everyone! I got it done... kalea, start a list in your first post on who wants to do this, and we can get alts to line up to sign charters. I've created a lvl 1 alt, and he's (trullinvitus) in ogrimar for quick signing.... currently on ascoli's charter.
  3. I just need 2 more signatures myself... and I'm always willing to help others.
  4. Bah, kalea and I share the win, I guessed that the power went out, and she guessed that you were sleeping, I forget who had that your were ingrossed in the beta.
  5. Looks like Blizzard has stepped back about showing real names: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?t...39821&sid=1
  6. I'll have to see how it actually plays out, but I think that these changes will be better in the long run, and it will make various spec's and classes easier to balance than they are today.
  7. Our brave crew of Speckle Dusters put in many valiant attempts at killing Halion and his minions in the Ruby Sanctum, and we managed to rid the world of them in only a little over a two hours. Congratulations to all involved, especially to our last minute substitutes: Skywatcher, Christra, and Desertraven
  8. Hello everyone, looks like we will be short at least one healer for this week (and maybe a few dps.... people haven't accepted invites yet), so if anyone knows someone who would be interested this week, send them my way... well, bralor's way as I won't be online until tuesday, so if you can contact bralor on one of his army of alts to get his approval. if we have a full 25 we will do halion tuesday, if we have less, we will do as much as we can in ICC, and save halion for thursday. From Kailand
  9. Raid cancelled tonight... see you all next week after the long weekend. We will be resetting ICC, and killing halion if he's available (doesn't look like blizzard is releasing him this week anyways). I wish I could think of a Rhoach-worthy quote for this... but I'm not as creative as he is.
  10. I'm impressed... although it probably requires a specific build and gear for both the hunter and the pet, and not to mention a lot of healing. Plus with the amount of hunters and rogues they have they are able to supplement threat generation/drop agro so it's not an issue. Plus the hunter finally found a use for eyes of the beast. *debates about trying it*
  11. LOL We got an extra achievement for having Orcala with us. Shhh or i'll slap ya back to China! hrm... so Orcala has been AFK for at least a week? (responding to a June 16th post on the 24th)
  12. Looks like we will be lucky if the server is up by raid time, so I will cancel tonight’s raid - no use dealing with the inevitable lag and server crashes, and we'll start off in ICC on Thursday, and renew the ID on the following Tuesday after playing around with Halion. The raid on July 1st is cancelled (many people can't make it, and it's a national holiday for those of us who are Canadian), so we will start a new ID on the 6th of July... I'll send out invites for that week the next time I get on. - Kailand
  13. While playing around with the alliance last night, they were gracious enough to crown one of our own as king.... doesn't King Skywatcher look Heroic? His reign was short lived and bloody (mainly because of the bloody part he ran out of subjects.... damn alliance evading their head tax, at least we collected that afterwards in ironforge).
  14. Kailand


    Just to let everyone know, next week will be our last run, and we will be doing Mount Hyjal follow by Black Temple, so if you want in, let me know. again for those that don't want to read the whole post, Monday june 21st is the last retro run, starts at 8:00pm server.
  15. Orcala, a bear is no match for :
  16. Hi, we have a few people due to real life, etc, can't make then next few raid. Sunday 23 - Need a DPS, we will be doing the 3 wings and LK. Wed 19 - Need a healer - might try a few hard modes on the first few bosses. (or a DPS as a last resort and hope that 2 healers is enough for some of the more problematic bosses) sunday 30 - need a healer and DPS - clearing the rest of the instance on normal mode. we run from 8:00 until 11:00, if you are interested, please let me know. Kailand
  17. Kailand


    ok, we have a few spots on monday (17th, 8:00 pm) for a sunwell KJ kill, we made our way to him this monday, but the last gate was bugged. going to renew the ID, and any interested people please contact me. Additionally we will go to black temple afterwards.
  18. Well, my 10 man crew finally did it, we saved Azeroth from the clutches of Arthas - the Lich King. I blame Mal'gannis for the whole Lich King thing, but of course the Lich King takes the blame. Anyways, congratulations are in store for my team of mostly Skullcrushers: Holyssa, Ascoli, Kadiana, Tokane, Kalea, Skywatcher, Christra, Evila, Jestin (but he was dead for a third of the fight), and myself.
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