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About Pinecone
- Birthday 11/26/1977
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Kingwood, Tx
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Clan Skullcrusher
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Newbie (1/14)
Oki, just a reminder. This sunday at 8 pm server time. Stories posted after there will not be counted! Piney
((Something like this. I am sure that is talent in the guild. It can be a story, a joke or pulling Baracko's Tail!)) "Thrall himself sent me. Cannot let him down. They need troops in the Outland, he said. The Outland.. Well, this will be exciting. I cannot, however, stop fearing getting disconnected with the Goddess. Just this land. So barren, so fractured. The explosion must really have been fearfull to watch. I guess this rock is as good as place as anything for resting. I can only hope that the lightning will die down over the course of the night. Otherwise there will not be much rest." Making a fire to keep the critters away, Pinecone sits up against the large rock to get some cover for the weather. All through the night he feels someone is watching, and he hears ogres trambling around. When the light starts to show on the horison Pinecone is ready to continue his journey. Tired of this place, tired of the lightning, tired of this never-ending war, he packs his bags and sets off to the south, where he have heard the portal should be standing. "Noone is supposed to be punished this way. At least give him death", Pinecone thought, before taking a Broken One out of his misery. Hours had he been on the road, and the adrenalin had started to flow through his veins again. The spirits could not get enough, he could feel the rage getting a hold of him in anticipation of the new land. NO! Quelling the beast, Pinecone walked into the tall pass surrounding the crater at the portal. Looking so large there in the distance, he could not help wonder of the creatures that could pass that portal, should it be failed to be protected. The beast in him stirred around in anticipation of the blood. "There it lies. The last camp before the gate. Thrall should have sent a messenger, making them expect me. Hopefully it came through. I think I will stay here for the night. Get the last information from the other side, then head through the portal in the morning." The next morning. The third day he had spent in the storm of the Blasted Lands, he was ready. No matter what could be on the other side, it was better than this. Constantly fighting against the beast, the lightning and the uncertainty of what the future would bring took its toll on Pinecone. Feeling much older than he had for a long time, he got the last information from the portal guardians, and set out for the gate. Huge the structure was. Looking inside of it was like getting the insides turned out. Turning around he took a last view of Azeroth. "Good luck", he thought and after sending a little prayer to the Goddess, turned and stepped through the portal.
Hail Crushers! It is a while since we last got some stories from our travels to go around among us. So .. This is a story competition. Get a screenshot of something happening, and write up the story that lead you there, and whatever happened afterwards. The competition will run until Sunday 4-20 at 8.00 pm, the prize will be 1000 golden shinies! So .. the a ravasaur really sneak up on you, and did the smell from it's mouth make you faint? SS or it didn't happen. Also, explain then how you got yourself digged out of the crap! All Crushers are invited. And be very welcome to make contact to our friendly guilds and have them participate. The more the merrier!! So .. SS and story competition Prize : 1k goldies Deadline : Sunday 4-20 at 8.00 pm server For all Crushers and friends
I think it is important to keep the core of the guild in first priority. We are a RP guild. Or that was at least what I entered. Raids and PvP done for lootzies has to be a second priority. Looking at the AD forum we are still listed as a medium RP rated guild. And I just do not see much of it. It have slowly been running out, and now there is not much left. And I think it is sad, because it does seem that Clan Skullcrusher is a guild with a good reputation, but it seems to me that it came from the RPing and not the raiding, which is mostly what we attract people to now it seems. I do agree that it might be somewhat over the top to lay down a raid to create room for something else. However, raids have lifespans. And I do not agree that it is too much to whenever a raid dies out, then we take a day of the week that got freed up, and say that no raid or no activity that splits us can take place. This can be tuesdays, wednesdays whatever. But at the moment, there is no day where nothing is happening. And that is not healthy in my view. PvP can be done as a guild. We are rarely 40 level 70s on, which means that PvP we can do as a group. Heroics we can do as a group, or normal instancing aswell. Raiding is practically the only thing. That is unless we have 2 Kara runs at the same time, but yet there.. it would need to be the same 2 groups every week. It is not as easy splitting the groups up into the members, and mix max them around, like we could in heroic xxxday thing. And I think that would be good for the guild. And I do think it could be required to meet up to. The guild should come first. Otherwise there is really no reason to be in it, as friends can cross guildlines. We are more than a green chatbox, we should feel like family. I would like to see some more officer replies though. And I am sorry if this rubs some people the wrong way. Changes sometime does, but we are all adults. We'll get over it
There is a group of us that would like to take some initiative to get the ball rolling on some guild events. To get this rolling there is a few ideas that I would like some input on. What do people say to bringing Heroic Tuesdays back? I never tried it, it was before my time, but I think it was tried to restart, but I don't think it took off. the idea would be to force people that normally do not play together to do such. It would also be mixed together with gear, so all the teams that get started, have a chance of getting through said heroic. The whole thing would work by placing people in groups, likely by gear and class(spec) and then every tuesday teams get put together and then you are expected to do the best possible, to get through. Also, please decide which day of the week, that would be the most fitting for running events. Again, in my eyes, if you are online you participate. We are a guild here, the structure and strenghtening of guildties should be foremost in our minds. If we can get a fairly good picture of when people would be mostly able to attend, then we will start something up, likely on a every 2 week basis. Disclaimer: Yeah I know there are some raids running. Heroic tuesday could become Heroic Wednesday or Friday. That is what this post is for. I do however believe that the most important thing in guild like this (and particularly after a big change) is to bring people together. Piney If you post, then please add when heroic something should be, and what days would be best for you to do guild activities. By all means, Heroic Tuesday every 2nd week, guild events in the tuesdays in between is also an option.
I'll will so be drunk at that time in chicken beer http://www.carlsberggroup.com/brands/Pages...Paaskebryg.aspx So I will sooooo not be able to attend. Proper beer and remoulade is high on the list of things to do when getting home. Will not be back again before 3/25, so have a nice time off work/school etc.
Not sure if I am the only one. But it seems that AD shook me off, and that I now have problems getting back. If I should be the only one, then have a good meeting and hopefully I can get on again later.
Not a problem Rhoach. I appreciate you letting us know, and I hope that you have a good move!
Molox and Rhoach, I will send you two an ingame mail then we can figure out when it is best suited for you to have your match. And if that is best before the weekend, then as it is the two of you that made it into the finale Then there is no reason to wait =)
Congratulations And I hope that the next year will be even better than this one!
Should we cross our legs, not think of watery waterfalls and make sure to drink alot alot alot of brew all the night before, so we really can fill up a tub? Or we do not have anyone that needs a shower?
Not raiding yet, and likely to garner some ill feelings .. But should it really matter ?? It is one day out of many planned raids that it might change around with. Tuesdays and Thursdays are best for me, if not those then the weekend. Monday and wednesdays wifey would like some Knogle-action Times does not really matter. Edit: Meant to say: Even if it should be monday/wednesday and if Piney or Knogle should be awake, then I'll be there. If it will be short, then she will be okay with it.. WTB -25% wifey aggro enchant to chest!
That is very lovely. I will add you up to all of them, HAH, then you can tell the wifey that it is my fault!
AHHH dem tubes ate me text! Me be mad! Du be slaves, du be clomped by da man! Me be sad du be clomped an me be changin stof. We gud crushers start when sun be high, den dem slaves can fight until sun is high again. Den we be habin finales and prizes den. And du be gud to make finale?? Den we hab finale when du be free! Nuw: Sign Up!! Or me set Bula tu sleep wid du!
Pushdug, me be so sad now. Dat must mean Muru be lukin fur new wurk!