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Everything posted by Holyssa

  1. Awesome poem, but why does pop into my head every time I read it?
  2. http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=8979.0 There's a crapton of stuff coming. + 22 Slot bags? Good. 1200g price tag? *vomits uncontrollably* + Moar TCG tabards! I want the Arcane one + The Ethereal companion sounds like fun. + Gems from Arena points? Yummy. + Mounts at L30? Desolace & STV suddenly suck a lot less now. + Curse of Elements is sexy now. It's got the benefits of CoS rolled into one spell. + UI Stopwatch & Alarm Clock could have it's uses. - Magister's Terrace got nerfed. NOOOOOOOO! WTB a challenging 5-man again. - Cheat Death got nerfed. Hug your sub-spec rogues please. EDIT: From Upper Deck's site, this is what you will look like with the full Soul Trader set, sold by the ethereal companion loot card prize: Yay, more RP gear! I dread to ask how much this'll go for on Ebay though
  3. or http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=72433 Paladins have done some very silly things to people, but this is the icing on the cake. I challenge you NOT to laugh!
  4. Just offering my 2 copper on Hydross roles: when Cal & I did this, I handled the Nature phase, while Cal took on Frost. A paladin can handle spike damage from the Frost phase a bit better due to the Frost Aura (it leaves shamans room to lay down different totems, since it won't stack with Frost Resist Totem), but gaining initial aggro while keeping Hydross on the north part of the platform is tricky, since people instinctively zerg the boss with a total lack of adds during the initial pull. Handling the Nature phase for a pally isn't bad either, since we have some of the best threat front-loading abilities in-game thanks to Avenger's Shield & instant Judgements. And with enough NR gear, a pally can actually hold the adds that pop up for a few extra seconds via Consecrate. Timing the shield toss is something that takes practice though, since lag and funky boss mechanics do pop up (there were times when Hydross didn't transform until a good 2-4 seconds AFTER getting off his platform). One thing you gotta remember to do is stay well-above the 490 defense mark with Hydross. He cannot crush, and cannot be blocked by Holy Shield (block doesn't work). And as Baracko used to say during each transition to our aggro-happy people: please move with your tanks
  5. This fight made me feel like I was PvPing...you know, the kind of feeling you get when hundreds of squid-faced blue men zerg you all at once. But it was good. Cause they didn't take forever to die. They just lined up & waited for the butt whoopin'. GJ all!
  6. Don't say I didn't warn you. And for the love of god almighty, play the damned Gorefiend Simulator! If Cal's reading this, please place the link on page 1's post for all to see: http://www.ferox-horde.de/feroxtgs2/
  7. Heyo folks, I know two weeks ago Kara got kinda rough, and Father's Day kinda slowed us down this last Sunday with no run at all. That and I didn't have the opportunity to write & say I wasn't going to make it. My bad on that part...you can blame the holiday for this one X) I just thought I'd toss this out in the open: Mondays will not be a 2nd Kara run for us because... 1. We've proven we can do it in a one-night clear before. Plus I'd rather not have to drag back folks for the sake of just 3 bosses. 2. I'm committed to a ZA run each Monday in order to help the Crushers work towards our first Amani Bear mount. We're getting pretty damned close each week. So show up on time Sunday, and if you still need specific boss drops, please visit Wowhead or wowwiki and look at loot tables so we can spend less time rolling on stuff and more time chain-pulling!
  8. Gnomes will get the new Brewfest Kodo soon...I will never look at their race seriously ever again, as if I did to begin with. Every time I see one on an elekk, I just want to pick up a big stick and clothesline the hideous buggers.
  9. Got room for Kaerina (my hunter, see sig)? EDIT: 1. 2:00PM works for me. 2. I plan to make her BM spec. She's marks now because I went on a PvP spree for her axe & have forgotten to fix her up.
  10. It took Blizz this long to implement CC for you guys? And I thought we pallies had it rough. Those changes make me want to dust off my ol' totem tosser.
  11. Grats all! Given how fast we took down these two clowns & the plethora of scary looking trash, Black Temple will look less scary with each week. /use Carved Ogre Idol /target High Warlord Naj'entus /teabag Damn you, naga! Drop my boots! >
  12. BARACKO! Luckily for you, I am a damned packrat! So yea, that should be no problem
  13. Last night was a breath of fresh air in my opinion, and goes to show what a little bit of good teamwork & awesome leadership can do. Grats to everyone who got kewl stuff! For all our tanky types - please refer to our ol' SSC/TK Google table for mats needed to build Nature/Frost Resist gear for when we're ready to stomp on Mr. Bubble (Hydross): http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p3P...baATg&gid=5 Farm your stuff ahead of time, and make Maube super happy >.>
  14. Great job guys! I'm back from the great NY trip, so all your unwanted leather drops belong ta me now!
  15. Awesome drawing! Oh, paladins don't float. The bubbles just don't last long Seriously, I'll probably slap on healing gear for this particular fight, just as an FYI to everyone. Going into ret mode just adds one more casualty to Air Bursts & close-range Doomfires, and we already have more than plenty of DPS to roast this giant squidface.
  16. Just as a head's up: I won't be able to attend this Friday's troll-stomping due to the Ani/CS New York trip coming up. Fry some Amani troll butt!
  17. /bite Orcala /laugh Say: kek /run
  18. Gadzooks! We just did our very first one-night clear of the ol' tower, despite being cursed with crappy loot again . Very nice work, but next week we're going to try and move at a slightly faster pace in order to conserve time. I have to admit, a part of getting the ball rolling was our 7:30-ish start time, an hour earlier than the normal 8:30-9:00PM-ish due to late arrivals. We ended the night just past 11:30PM or so, due to a few minor hiccups on Netherspite (black circles suck, mmkay?), but eventually cleaned house. Makes quite a difference, doesn't it? We also had a new healing face along with us in the form of Lesedi. I was worried that my madness-driven AoE-tanking methods would scare her off, but she proved to be a very fast learner & amazing priest. I swear, we need to sacrifice a kitten in order for the shaman healing crap & leftover plate to stop dropping
  19. I'd love to bring my rogue (see sig) to these Wednesday runs, which will leave Saturday free for me to do personal stuff/avoid Orcala aggro. If possible, can I squeeze in Holyssa for at least one of the Magtheridon runs? I'd love to get Trial of the Naaru off my back, and the quest reward will make Anetheron add tanking much easier.
  20. Holyssa

    Azgalor DOWN!

    Oh boy, Pit Lord tipping! *shoves Azgalor over & pokes his belly*
  21. The old thread full of keylogger warnings went *poof* somehow. *shrugs* Seems like the amount of people getting hacked, keylogged, or attacked by internet germs has gone up substantially. I figure I'd put up a friendly reminder post for our fellow clan so that we can cover our respective bums as we ascend the progression ladder This WoW forums link by AD's own Yosyp is extremely informative. A lot of this stuff is common sense, but it's full of steps we often overlook during the chaos of everyday life. I figure I'd post it to prevent thread necromancy, and for our own well-being (my own comments in parenthesis): "Keylogger Common Topics" So you think you have a virus. We'll follow this steps listed below. Official Post from Blizzard on Compromised Accounts http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=3773308319&sid=1 Official Blizzard Support Entry on anti-keylogger software & AV products: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20569 ------------------------- This is my 2 cents. 1. Change your password now from another computer. Account Management Page Link. https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/login/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldofwarcraft.com%2Faccount%2Fchange-password.html ((It's often best to change this from a work computer behind a strict firewall. A school library PC is okay too, but keep in mind of all the other junk lurking about too, like MySpace cookies & advertising crap)). 2. Scan hard drive with your Anti-virus software. 3. AVG Free Anti-virus http://free.grisoft.com/doc/2/ ((If you can't get professional software like McCafee or Norton, this is an amazing alternative)) 4. Trend Micro HouseCall http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ (free service scan) 5. Link Scanner http://linkscanner.explabs.com/linkscanner/default.asp (this will save you the v-scan sometimes.) 6. http://www.sarc.com Symantec Antivirus Research Center. Education. Education. Education. http://www.symantec.com/norton/security_response/threatexplorer/index.jsp 7. Keyscramblers http://www.qfxsoftware.com (free and very powerful) 8. Most virus attack your system through security whole in the Operating System, so update on a regular basis. Microsoft Windows Update http://www.update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en-us Apple Update http://www.apple.com/downloads/ ------------------------- Just because you use Firefox, or Opera does not make you safe from virus infections through webbased virus attack embedded in links. These software packages do or may have less chance of being infected through these methods, however you still running on the Windows Platform. Enough said there. http://www.mozilla.org/ ((Holy recommends getting Extensions like Adblock Plus, NoScript, and ImgLikeOpera for stuff that seems non-worksafe)). Make sure you are are running the most current version of these applications." Q: Holy, I don't browse any suspicious sites, yet somehow my information got mishandled. How is this possible? A: Nowadays, hackers do anything to get a hold of player information. Even if you don't think you have any malicious data, you could still become the unlucky victim of alternative hacking methods, such as brute-force password crackers, or clicking a fake email that looks like something Blizzard would send (common sense: they don't ask for info like this). Q: I just bought gold. I R TEH L33T! But uh...mah keyz got logged... A: There's your answer why, idiot. Even if you happen to be quick enough to grab the goods before Blizzard catches you, you still volunteered YOUR identity to the CGF companies, and it gives them one more tool to work with, even if it's just a character name. Remember: a WoW account isn't just for gnome-teabagging. It's also a highly-prized piece of information with questionable value. Q: What do most keylogger links look like? A: Outside the WoW forums, they are near impossible to see. If you do spot one posted by a player (some are even L70), most likely some clown is trying to ninja an easy few purples & have some fun at someone else's expense. Again, thanks to Mr. Yosyp, here's some examples: "Topic of Concern that have proven to be virus ladden. My first Sex teacher Hot Sex Big Tits ass Sex 05/28/2008 ((Could this be more damned obvious?)) virus embedded movie file. Still testing the virus variant. How To Get Your Characters Naked 04/18/2008 ((This is easy. Just spend a night in Goldshire!)) virus embedded zip file containing Bloodhound 131 virus. Most fun with Kazzak since Reck Bomb! (video) ((Kazzak gags are always great, but this is a very deceptive yet recent trick.)) Spoofs legitment website address by adding and extra S in the name.. Real site address is www.warcraftmovies.com notice the missing extra "S" between the T and the M. Virus embedded zip file you have to download and open. Can infect any Windows based OS. the most beautiful woman in the world ((It's been done to death. Link appearances vary in number & style)). Uses virus embedded image links that launch a animated cursor exploit in Windows Internet Explorer 5, 6 , 7 running on the Windows 98 - Vista Platform security whole fix with installation of Windows Service Pack 2 for XP and Service Pack 1 for Vista Huge Alliance Raid on Halaa(w/pics) ((Another clever trap. If you DO happen to bombard Halaa with buddies prior to seeing this, beware!)) Uses virus embedded Image links that launch a I-Frame Exploit in Windows Internet Explorer 5, 6, 7 running on the Windows 98 - Vista Platforms. security whole fix with installation of Windows Service Pack 2 for XP and Service Pack 1 for Vista Hello, I am the ret 04/17/2008 ((Another topic that started out as a joke, but became a trap soon after.)) Uses virus embedded image links that launch a animated cursor exploit in Windows Internet Explorer 5, 6 , 7 running on the Windows 98 - Vista Platform security whole fix with installation of Windows Service Pack 2 for XP and Service Pack 1 for Vista Hey Kalgan, we're fine! Yet another paladin joke topic, which started out with pallies making a massive QQ thread in their class forum about Arena stats and Blizzard's top maggot, Kalgan. The link resembles the WorldofRaids.com URL, with a few letters switched around as well as an image folder: h**p://___.worldofrdas.com/. Don't touch it! Tier 6 Personal DPS Records. Note: This is a work in progress Resembles funny YouTube China links with names of BT/Hyjal monsters. Big list too, which makes it look very legit. These are just some of the most common keylogger out at this time. 1. Trojan Variant Bloodhound 19 (I-Frame exploit) 2. Trojan Variant Bloodhound 20 (I-Frame exploit) 3. Trojan Variant Bloodhound 131 (animated cursor exploit) I hope this in some small ways helps those folks that have click on one of these links by mistake. It has also come to my attention that the websites of a few gold sellers / power leveling services are using these same type of attack to get you when you visit there sites. So, if they don't just swipe your credit card information, they might also just leave you naked in Goldshire to be molested by murlocs." More examples include followups to people QQing, strange accomplishments (like soloing a boss), and bug posts, like: "New and exciting!" "Patch x.xx new info here:" "I agree! [insert link]" As well as variants of popular website links, like www.warcraftsmovies.com. So yea...that should be pretty much it. Just use common sense, and cover your assets. Oh, and if a mod could pin this topic, that'd be sweet. EDIT: Added more link examples for the not-so-wary.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mv9spXVas Quality ain't the best (hey, it's YouTube ), but this is a neat little Archimonde movie which teaches you a few blatantly obvious yet very important basics about the fight...namely: ~ Jumping off the cliffs & practice using the Tears. ~ Tips on Tear timing during Air Burst. ~ Archie's abilities described. Look around his hooves, and you'll get a general idea as to the Doomfire's behavior & movement patterns. Imagine it as a big red snake. ~ PvP trinkets make the AoE Fear a lot less annoying. If you are a healer, they will be your best friend. ~ The last 10% is a whoa-omg zergfest. Even healers should go all out & roast him before the 1 minute timer is up.
  23. *tugs her tail* No raid can be complete without mama Kalea! Plus we need someone to teach Cal about shapes.
  24. -Will Thursdays be exclusively BT nights, or are we going to chop into Azgalor & Archie a few times before devoting time to stomping Illidan's house? -After people get their cloaks (and we get some more Ashtongue rep), will there be progress lists for the rest of the SR gear?
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