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Everything posted by Holyssa

  1. Kologarn is the 6th boss of Ulduar. He’s located along the Shattered Walkway. Kologarn Abilities * Health Points: 20,900,000 (heroic), 5,200,000 (normal) * Overhead Smash - Decreases target’s armor by 25% for 30 seconds. Stackable up to 4 times. * Petrifying Breath - Channeled cast that deals 18,750-21,250 nature damage per second, 4 second channel. Applies a debuff that increases damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds. This ability is used only when no players are within melee range. * Focused Eyebeam - Launches beams into the raid from his eyes, deals 3,700-4,300 nature damage to players within a 3 yard radius. * Left Arm: o Health Points: 5,200,000 (heroic), 1,200,000 (normal) o Shockwave - Hits the entire raid, dealing 11,563-13,437 nature damage. * Right Arm: o Health Points: 5,200,000 (heroic), 1,200,000 (normal) o Stonegrip - Stuns a random player, deals 3,700-4,300 damage per second until that player dies or until 450,000 damage has been dealt to the arm. Kologarn Boss Strategy First and foremost, it’s important to know that Kologarn will remain completely stationary, you cannot turn him what-so-ever. If there are no melee players within his range Kologarn will cast petrifying breath (detailed above). In order to tank Kologarn you’ll need 3 geared tanks. These tanks will stand on top of each other and participate in a taunt rotation. After one tank has 2 stacks overhead smash another tank should taunt, allowing this debuff to drop. Repeat as necessary. It’s of absolute most importance that all 3 tanks stay alive. In addition to simply dealing with the main boss Kologarn also has 2 arms. These arms have special abilities that deal out damage to the raid. The left arm will hit the entire raid for 12,000 damage periodically. The right arm will periodically pick up a player and deal damage to them until that arm has taken 450,000 damage. Healers will need to focus heals on the player in the arm’s grasp. If you kill an arm a set of earth elementals will spawn. These should be killed promptly. The left and right arms are both on a 60 second respawn timer. In respawning health is siphoned from the boss to regenerate the arms.
  2. The Iron Council is the 5th boss encounter of Ulduar. This encounter includes 3 separate bosses: Steelbreaker, Runemaster Molgeim, and Stonecaller Brundir. After killing any of the 3 the other 2 will receive a +25% damage increase. Killing one of the remaining 2 bosses grants the final boss left alive additional abilities. (Holy's note: This strategy assumes Brundir is killed last.) The Iron Council Abilities * Health Points: 30,000,000 (total, heroic), 10,000,000 (total, normal) * Enrage timer after 10 minutes * Supercharge - after one of the other bosses die the remaining bosses gain a +25% damage increase and an additional ability. * Elemental Adds: o Lightning Blast - When these adds get to their targets they deal 14,138-15,862 nature damage 30 yard radius explosion, killing the add. Spawned by Rune of Summoning (detailed below). * Steelbreaker: o Health Points: 10,000,000 (heroic), 3,000,000 (normal) o Fusion Punch - Deals 100% weapon damage an an additional 8,000 nature damage per second. o High Voltage - An aura that deals 2,500 nature damage every 3 seconds. o Static Disruption - Steelbreaker gains this buff when one of the other bosses has been killed first. It deals 7,500 nature damage and increases nature damage taken by 50% for 20 seconds. * Runemaster Molgeim: o Rune of Power - 5 yard radius group buff that deals more damage to anyone standing in it. o Rune of Death - Runemaster gains this buff when one of the other bosses has been killed first. Deals 6,000 damage per second to anyone standing in this 13 yard radius of this AoE on the ground. o Rune of Summoning - Runemaster gains this buff when two of the other bosses has been killed first. Summons elemental adds that explode when they touch players (detailed above). * Stormcaller Brundir: o Chain Lightning - Deals nature damage that arcs up to 5 different targets. Can be interrupted. o Overload - Deals 25,000 nature damage to anyone within a 30 yard radius. Goes off after the emote “PEASANTS HAS CROSSED THE LINE”. o Lightning Whirl - Stormcaller gains this buff after one of the other bosses has been killed first. Hurls a lightning bolt at a random target, deals 6598-7402 nature damage, 5 second duration. o Lightning Tendrils - Stormcaller gains this buff after two of the other bosses have been killed first. Runs around the room very fast and deals 8,000 damage per second to anyone nearby. Should be taunted back to the floor, where you can DPS him. The Iron Council Boss Strategy Phase 1 - All 3 Bosses Up Raid groups can kill the 3 bosses in any order you wish, however, the generally accepted easiest route is Steelbreaker –> Molegeim –> Brundir. Step one in this fight is simply setting up your tanking positions. Steelbreaker and Molgeim should be tanked in the front corners of the room. Due to the overload explosion you must tank Brundir away from the raid, generally towards the back of the room is the optimal position. Boss Specific Notes * The tank on Brundir needs to run away from the boss as Overload is going off, minimizing damage. * Players attacking Brundir should always try to interrupt chain lightning casts. * Molgeim will drop rune of power throughout the fight underneath Brundir and Steelbreaker. Tanks should reposition these bosses when this occurs to remove them from getting the buff and allow your DPS to get the buff. * Steelbreaker will be fusion punching your tank. When this occurs he will need additional heals and a dispel. Phase 2 - 2 Bosses Up After your raid has killed the first boss the other two bosses will gain new abilities. If you are killing the bosses in the order suggested above then you’ll have Molgeim and Brundir up at this point. Boss Specific Notes * Molegeim now has Rune of Death. Massive green AoE rune on the ground, deals 6,000 damage per second to those players standing within it. Move out of it. * Brundir now has lightning whirl. Randomly tosses lightning bolts at raid members, heal through it. Phase 3 - 1 Boss Up At this point only Brundir is left up, so let’s take him down! With Molegeim now dead Brundir gains a new ability, lightning tendrils. Using these tendrils he will lift up into the air. Anyone standing nearby will take massive amounts of nature damage…so, don’t stand near the boss if you’re not a tank. You can keep Brundir in the same location by rotating taunts with 3 tanks. Thus allowing your range DPS to deal more damage. In addition, Brundir will occasionally drop to the ground, allowing melee DPS a chance to get some DPS in. At this point it’s simply a matter of continuing to burn Brundir down and keeping heals flowing. Keep it up and you’ll have Brundir down in no time. The Iron Council Hard Mode Strategy - TBD To complete The Iron Council on hard mode you must kill Steelbreaker last.
  3. XT-002 Deconstructor is the 4th boss of Ulduar. He’s located in the Ulduar scrap yard. XT-002 Deconstructor Boss Abilities * Health Points: 17,850,000 (heroic), 5,250,000 (normal) * Gravity Bomb - Targets a random playing causing them to explode and pull in nearby players after 9 seconds. Creates a gravity well. * Gravity Well - Created by the gravity bomb on the targeted player, which pulls players within a 10 yard radius into the well, dealing 19,000-21,000 damage. * Tympanic Tantrum - Deals 10% damage every 1 second for a 12 second duration to the entire raid, dazing all enemies. Cast once per minute. * Light Bomb - Causes targeted player to deal 2,000-3,000 damage to nearby players while they are attacking, last for 9 seconds. * Enrages after 8 minutes XT-002 Deconstructor Boss Strategy This encounter is a standard tank and spank fight for the most part. The most important aspect of this fight is simply spreading out. After a player gets hit with a gravity bomb or a light bomb that player needs to immediately separate themselves from the group to minimize damage. Furthermore, healers should be on the lookout for tympanic tantrum. This will deal 120% damage to all raid members over 12 seconds, so every raid member will need to at least receive a decent amount of heals. It’s not a bad idea to assign healers to individual groups, as to ensure all players receive a heal. At 75%, 50%, and 25% XT-002 Deconstructor will stop attacking and spawn adds. There are 3 different kinds of adds. * XS-013 Scrapbots - these adds will heal XT-002 if they get to him, they must be killed immediately. * XE-321 Boombots - these adds blow up, dealing damage to friend and foe alike, when they hit 50% health. These can be used to kill the other adds. * XM-024 Pummelers - Basic mobs, nothing special, you can kill these after boombots and scrapbots have been killed. After the adds have been killed the fight will continue like before. XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode Strategy During any of the ad phases XT-002 may be clicked on. Doing so will expose his heart, which may be destroyed. Destroying his heart will increase XT-002’s health and damage by 25% and return him to full health. Exposing and killing the heart at the lower add spawning levels does not increase the quality of loot or open up new achievements, this is a binary hard mode fight.
  4. Razorscale is the third boss of Ulduar and is located within Razorscale’s Aerie, across from the Colossal forge. Razorscale Boss Abilities * Health Points: 12,600,000 (heroic), 3,900,000 (normal) * Wing Buffet - Knocks back in a large radius around Razorscale. 1.5 second cast time. * Flame Breath - Deals 17,500-22,500 fire damage in a frontal cone. 2.5 second cast time. * Flame Buffet - Increases fire damage taken by 1500. Last for 60 second duration. * Devouring Flame - Launches a lava bomb at a target, deals 8788-10,212 fire damage. In addition, deals 8788-10212 fire damage everyone second to anyone standing within a 6 yard radius of the explosion site. Razorscale Boss Strategy Phase 1 - Air Phase To start phase 1 simply talk to the expedition commander. During this phase you are tasked with defending the dwarven crews while they repair the harpoon launchers. Your primary focus here is killing all of the adds and avoiding the devouring flames that Razorscale will be launching. As each harpoon launcher is successfully repaired they may be clicked to fire a harpoon at Razorscale. After all 4 turrets have been fired Razorscale will come to the ground. Once on the ground Razorscale will be stunned temporarily, during this time your DPS will want to blow all cooldowns to do as much damage as possible. After the stun ends Razorscale will fly up into the air again and you’ll repeat the firing process to bring her down. Phase 2 - Ground Phase Once you’ve got Razorscale below 50% she will land. During this phase you’ll want your tank to spin her face away from the main raid to avoid flame breaths. At this point the fiight becomes a standard tank and spank fight. Continue to avoid devouring flame and keep DPS up. As flame buffet stacks on your tank he will be taking some serious damage towards the end of the fight, so maximizing your DPS during this phase will be crucial.
  5. Ignis the Furnace Master is the second boss of Ulduar, located within the Colossal Forge. Ignis the Furnace Master Abilities * Health Points: 24,400,000 (heroic) * Scorch - Fires a frontal jet of flames, deals 3770-4230 fire damage every 0.5 seconds for 3 seconds. Additionally, catches the ground on fire, dealing 3299-3701 fire damage every 0.5 seconds to all nearby enemies (heats up Iron Constructs) * Flame Jet - Stomps the ground, calling up geysers of fire that deal 8483-9517 fire damage, knocking targets up into the air and interrupting spell casting for 8 seconds. Applies a damage over time of 1000 fire damage per second for 8 seconds. * Slag Pot - Picks up a random target, hurling them into the slag pot. The slag pot deals 5000 fire damage every second for 10 seconds. The target cannot attack while in the slag pit. If they survive the target gains a buff that increases haste by 150%. * Strength of the Creator - Increases damage by 20%. This stackable debuff is applied each time an Iron Construct is summoned and removed each time an Iron Construct is shattered. * Activate Construct - Iron Constructs within the scorch area gain a stacking buff. At 20 stacks it will become molten, causing it to deal 4713-5287 fire damage to all enemies within a 7 yard radius. Dragging the construct through water will cause it to turn “brittle”, allowing you the ability to shatter it by dealing more than 5,000 damage in a single attack. Ignis the Furnace Master Boss Strategy This encounter is more or less a standard tank and spank fight. The major addition to this fight involves the iron constructs. You’ll want to drag these iron constructs into the scorch fires on the ground. Standing in these fires increased a buff that stacks to 20, at 20 stacks they turn molten. After turning molten you will drag the iron constructs into the water, which turns them brittle. This stuns them for 20 seconds, increases chance to be critically hit by 50%, and will cause them to shatter if they take more than 5000 damage in a single hit. Shattering a construct removes one stack of Ignis’ damage buff. Casters should be aware of the timer on the Flame Jets and avoid being hit by this, as it will lock you out of that school for 8 seconds. Beyond that there isn’t much too this fight…tank and spank, don’t get hit by scorch areas, heal through the DoT on the charge, and don’t get locked out by jet stream. Note: there is no hard mode for this encounter
  6. Flame Leviathan is the first boss raids will encounter in Ulduar. This unique encounter requires players use siege vehicles (similar to Malygos) to complete this encounter. Siege Vehicles Basics Before the fight even begins players will be split up into different siege vehicles. You will use these vehicles to defeat the dwarven army ahead of you and ultimately, Flame Leviathan. On heroic mode there are 4 of each vehicles and on normal mode there are 2 of each vehicles. * Siege Engine Driver - Attack buildings by ramming them, knock back mobs, and engage a speed boost * Siege Engine Passenger & Gunner - Shoots pyrite ammo out of the air, helps shoot targets on the ground * Demolisher Driver - Shoots fireballs and pyrite barrels * Demolisher Passenger & Gunner - Picks up pyrite ammo to reload the demolisher, may also load launch the passenger from the cannon * Chopper Driver - Drops inflammable oil slicks, may also pick up players to protect them from damage and death All vehicle passengers may pick up explosive to throw at the dwarven armies. Siege Vehicle Abilities Salvaged Siege Engine * Health Points: * Driver x 1, Gunner x 1, Passengers x 2 * Driver Abilities: o Ram (40 energy) - 5400-6600 damage with a knock back addition o Electroshock (38 energy) - Spell interrupt with a 4 second lockout period, 25 yard cone effect o Steam Rush (40 energy) - Charges very fast with a minor damage on impact * Gunners Abilities: o Anti-Air Rocket (10 energy) - Rapid fire long range (1000 yard) missile launcher o Cannon (20 energy) - Launches a cannon ball that does medium damage Salvaged Demolisher * Health Points: 428,000 * Driver x 1, Passengers x 2 * Driver Abilities: o Hurl Boulder - 13,500-16,500 damage, ignites oil slicks dropped by choppers. o Hurl Pyrite Barrel - 27,000-30,000 damage, consumes 5 pyrite o Ram - 8550-9450 damage with a knock back addition o Throw Passenger - Launch a passenger who has loaded themselves into the catapult. * Passenger Abilities: o Cannon - Fire a cannon ball forward, explodes after traveling 50 yards dealing damage in a 10 yard area of effect radius. o Grab Crate - Pick up a crate with your hook, reloading the demolisher with liquid pyrite. o Increase Speed - Uses the liquid pyrite you’ve been picking up, increases movement speed by 100% for a 1 minute duration. o Load into Catapult - You get in the catapult and the drive may fire you as a projectile. Salvaged Chopper * Health Points: * Driver x 1, Passenger x 1 * Driver Abilities: o Sonic Horn (20 energy) - 3150-3850 damage in a 35 yard range frontal cone. o Tar - Lays down a pool of tar that slows enemies by 75% for a 45 second duration. This pool may be ignited by demolishers. o Speed Boost (50 energy) - increases the vehicle’s movement speed by 100% for 5 seconds. Dwarf Army Mobs Steelforge Defender: * Health Points: 8,316 Titanium Stormlord: * Health Points: 75,600 * Melee hits are around 1,500 damage * Cyclone - Hits demolisher vehicles for approximately 3,000 nature damage Ulduar Colossus: * Health Points: 315,000 * Shockwave - casted ability, should be interrupted by siege engines Buildings and Towers Note that in order to complete this encounter on hard mode for achievements and additional loot you must leave up at least one tower. The more towers you leave up better quailty and increased amount of loot you’ll receive. * Tower of Nature (Freya’s Ward) - Deals 15,000 nature damage and summons guardians of nature * Tower of Frost (Hodir’s Fury) - Deals 15,000 frost damage, attacks entomb enemies in blocks of ice * Tower of Flames (Mimiron’s Inferno) - Deals 15,000 fire damage, leaving a fires behind * Tower of Storms (Thorim’s Hammer) - Deals 15,000 damage * Storm Beacon - Each beacon summons ads in a small radius. Flame Leviathan Abilities * Flame Jets - Channeled cast, deals large radius area of effect damage, 2000 damage per second, cast lasts 10 seconds. * Battering Ram - Knock back on target that’s within melee range. Applies a debuff to the knock backed target increased damage taken by 100%. * Gathering Speed - Increases movement speed, 5% per stack up to 20 stacks. * Missile Barrage - All players and vehicles take 700 damage every few seconds. Hard Mode Strategy Raid groups attempting to defeat Flame Leviathan on hard mode will need to leave at least one tower up. These towers place a pillar of light on the ground (associated colors below) that deal their respective abilities. Note that these beams can be avoided. * Storm Tower (purple) - lightning balls come down from the sky * Flames Tower (red) - beam moves across the ground leaving fires behind * Frost Towers (blue) - freezes players and siege engines * Nature (green) - spawns adds that must be killed Flame Leviathan Boss Strategy As soon as you engage Flame Leviathan he will randomly target a siege engine vehicle. The driver of this vehicle must kite the boss. Initially it’s very easy to kite, but as time passes Flame Leviathan will begin to pickup speed, making it more difficult. Every 30 seconds Flame Leviathan will target a new siege engine, which will be tasked with kiting (if a siege engine is not alive he will target a demolisher or chopper). This fight really comes down to the kite and each vehicle fulfilling its role successfully (as described below). Siege Engine Role While this kiting is going on other players in siege engines can be doing damage with ram and more importantly using electroshock to interrupt flame jets. However, be prepared to kite as the 30 second kite cycle comes to an end. The passengers of the siege engines should be shooting down pyrite ammo in the air. If there aren’t any pyrite ammo left they may DPS the boss. Demolisher Role Demolishers are the bulk of the damage output on this fight. Your demos should be attacking the boss with hurl boulder, hurl pyrite barrel, and launch passenger. In order to maximize damage it’s a good idea to save your hurl pyrite barrel for when the overload circuit has been activated. Interlude on Catapult Passenger Launch After your overload circuit wears off you’ll want to have your demolishers launch a single DPS class and a single healer to the back of Flame Leviathan. There are 4 turrets here, after killing a target a button will pop up. You will channel a cast on this button and upon completion Flame Leviathan will be stunned, increase the damage you deal to him by 50%, and reset his movement speed. These players will be knocked off Flame Leviathan and should be promptly picked up by a chopper and returned to a demolisher, in preparation for the upcoming launch. Choppers Role Chopper’s are tasked with dropping their flammable oil slicks on the ground in front on Flame Leviathan. This will slow him and deal additional damage if they catch fire. In addition, choppers should be picking up any players that are coming off the back of Flame Leviathan or players that have been launched and missed their targets.
  7. This topic is gonna be several posts long since the instance is so damn jam-packed, so please do not reply until after the post containing Algalon is created. Hopefully these strategies that I found will help us get a decent foothold on Blizzard's new playground. Print 'em, study 'em, hell...use them for bathroom reading if need be. Happy reading!
  8. Some entries on Wowhead have a basic rundown on what the bosses are going to do, as well as insight on how Hard Modes work (and how to prevent "accidentally" triggering 'em). If you want a jump-start on loot tables, MMO-Champion is full of good reading until Wowhead/Thottbot update their own databases. Many bosses do not have a finished loot table either, so plan carefully! I'd read up on Flame Leviathan in particular. He may be the first boss, but it's also a vehicle-based encounter like Malygos P3. And you know how much fun that crap is
  9. Holyssa

    Patch Day

    Here's the new pole: http://ptr.wowhead.com/?item=45858 There's also two new poles from the new Dalaran Dailies: Bone Fishing Pole: http://ptr.wowhead.com/?item=45991#. FISHMOURNE HUNGERS! Jeweled Fishing Pole: http://ptr.wowhead.com/?item=45992#. Instead of fishing training (any city trainer will improve it now....bai bai stupid books), he gives this to folks who complete his quest. The new WG "fish" is Giant Darkwater Clam, which gives more clam meat, and a better chance at JC pearls. Oh, for all you pet collectors: Horde can now get the Sprite Darter Egg! http://www.wowhead.com/?item=11474#comments
  10. I was wondering this as well. Addons will be in need of upgrading/tinkering, lag will molest people, some folks may have patching problems (especially folks who get in just before pull time or didn't let the Blizz Downloader do it's "thing") and Ulduar is probably going to choke like Naxx did (before they tampered with Wintergrasp). On the plus side, a break will help people shrug off the stress of Sarth+3D, enjoy tinkering with Dual Specs and new talent changes, and get people freshly pumped for the super hard stuff
  11. Holyssa

    Patch Day

    http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/3p1/index.xml Go watch the purdy looking trailer. http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_mirrors Mirrors. That's one BIG patch
  12. Birthday AND Easter Sunday at once? /cheers
  13. Got one also. Seems like it's happening on a certain basis. Isn't there a way to make board sign-ups by referral-only or something so we can avoid this kind of thing?
  14. http://wowenomics.wordpress.com/2009/04/02...-than-saronite/ A very nice article asking Eigun's age old question: why is the blue, low-level crap generally more expensive than the stuff the Old Gods keep laying around? You may be wondering why yourselves. Yes, it makes some very basic armor. But some items like the Notched War Axe can be DE'd for some very easy essences at the mere cost of ten ore/bars. So for all you people with miners/blacksmiths/enchanters among your roster of alts & friends, this can be a great way to not only tackle maxing out the professions (namely enchanting), but making a few easy gold just in time for 3.1. There's probably more items out there with a lower Ore -> Gear -> Dust/Essence ratio besides that axe, however. Yea, I know it's probably an obvious tip. But I figure I'd put this out there for those strapped for gold and just happen to have a combination of the above professions.
  15. DO NOT WANT! I was sad yesterday, even though I didn't show it. Didn't get to experience all the fail with my Orcala beside me And while I'm talking about last night, despite all the catastrophes, I don't think I ever laughed so hard since the Decurse in cheetah-form/falling cow era. But... Alts + Achievement progression = no no. I know not EVERYONE wants to aim for the missing links in the list, but sticking to your mains while we work on this stuff in an attempt to keep some life in Naxx is common courtesy for those that DO want to keep trying. This doesn't apply to those people filling in for missing folks/roles. Yes, it puts some of the constantly DE'd fodder to use, and as Uggy mentioned, it feeds the DKP Monster. But with all the new crap coming out in Ulduar, perhaps roasting the epics isn't such a bad idea. According to Blizz, there's supposeably more loot than TK + SSC combined. That's a lot of stuff to constantly keep upgraded for 25 hate-starved Hordies. I get the impression that people complained like mad because alts aren't QUITE up to the gear threshold that the rest of the mains are at (though I could be wrong), so beating Enrage timers, surviving splash damage, etc becomes more difficult. Especially if we lose key DPS like oh say, our ret pally. The rest of the raid also has to adjust to class mixes. In my case, I have to juggle between JoL to keep our melee healthy, and JoW to keep the hunters' mana pools happy. Not sure if other people had to adjust much, but it felt weird to have to constantly drink during trash. I know Naxx may get dull after all these weeks folks, and by bringing in alts it tries to keep things fresh. But hang in there. Ulduar's a comin'!
  16. 1. Hook it up first. 2. Tell me if the damned thing works before you even celebrate. lol 3. ? ? ? 4. Profit.
  17. *plays some Forrest Gump music* Run Aleis, run! ...or should it be "Blink Aleis, Blink!"?
  18. Oddly enough, I got the same type of PM, but no link. Either that or I totally missed it. And as Huato mentioned, make sure you keep the good ol' Holy Trinity of browsing toys (Firefox, AdBlock & NoScript) up-to-date so you can avoid being tricked by this crap!
  19. Another new build is out. Aside from the usual batch of nerfs & buffs... This is a new achievement involving Ulduar's optional boss. One can only hope Blizzard adds more achievements like this: the kind that focus on skill as opposed to out-gearing and backtracking to specific content! And a new reason to save your Dalaran Cooking Tokens: Now all we need is an apron item...
  20. I came up with my own Monkey List that Zu can use when people keep dying to silly crap. I'd make more ranks, but if we needed that many, our raid would be in serious trouble. Soooo... Oh, don't read unless you have a sense of humor Rank 5: Chimp Yep. A plain ol' chimp. Curiosity or slow reflexes snuff you out again & again, and an orc shaman is laughing at you somewhere, just like how they laughed at Carrie. But improve, and you can graduate from being a poop-flinger! 4: Dr. Zaius I put him here cause he's smart. Damned dirty void zones! 3: Amy You die so much, your bones begin to form pictures on the floor. And they got nothing to do with dreams. This is where it stops being funny. 2: King Mukla At this point, you're just sitting there and taking the punches, just like STV's lesser-known quest fodder. GG for taking one for the team! 1: The apes from 2001 Sarth and pals touched the black monolith first. How do you like them apples? And for the serious stuff... - Read the strategy I found! http://www.thehonorempire.org/forums/index...showtopic=13103. Many of the tactics we tried (such as one tank handling all three drakes) proved successful, but I can't help but feel that a lot of people didn't get the memo. - Don't tease Sarth. Seriously. The more DPS you lay on him before Tenebron lands, the more our DK has to struggle. Stuff like Curse of Weakness is okay. - If you really, REALLY can't avoid waves, jump in & out of lava. The damage is trivial compared to the other stuff in the room. - Run to your add tank if mobs give you trouble. Don't fight back or try to squeeze off that last big cast. RUN!
  21. *points to page 1 of the thread* Thou needeth glasses. And if you aren't sure about whether or not we're gonna finish a dungeon/wing, just ask me or Zu next time or let us know you aren't feeling 100%. This goes for anyone else feeling the potential burnout bug. Yes, it's same ol' Naxx. But folks still need stuff from the end bosses, and like last night's battle with Patchwerk, some Achievements will have us banging our heads on desks like a Downs-afflicted rhinoceros, and I doubt Blizzard will build us an encounter-skipping escalator like they did with SSC/TK to get folks to the good loot. So if you cannot commit or perform to your fullest, by all means: speak up!
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