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I reactivited today, but, the Elder have decided that I won't be rejoining. sad to hear, really. I enjoyed playing with a lot of you, and well, I've never found a more patient, helpful and friendly group of people, I know I was a lot to deal with, but you all were saints compared to previous guilds. Thank you for having me, and I can only pray there are other Horde guilds here on AD that can even compre to the experience I had here. But, I'm missing all of you allready, and I hope we can still be friendly should I bump into any of you in an instace or a group, or a Battleground. That's all I guess/ Thanks, so much.
Hey, it's me, I know I kinda went AWOL before the Expansion hit, and well, I figure I'd better explain my leave of absence. there was a death in my family, and I simply could not focus on WoW at the time, and y the time that I got myself together, the expansion was being finalised :/. but, if I may come back, I will be picking up Wrath soon, and plan on returning to play, if you guys wouldn't mind having me back. I had a blast in Karazhan before the expansion hit, and you guys have been so suportive of me when I was in the guild. I feel like I've finally found a place to belong in this game, and I'd like a chance to come back.
After what happened tonight, Aleis took me PvPing and it really put things into perspective for me. that I have to do a variety of things to prevent burnout and frustration. the fact that nobody can robot farm the Frozen Shadoweave or the Spellfire or whateever, without also doing othger things to prevent them from being frustrated. it makes a lot of sense.
I would like to offer a formal apology for how I have been acting in the OOC channel and such, I have bennn....complaining about my situation, and I know it's been bothering a lot of you, I realise that most of you guys have little patience for my behavior, and less of you are believing I'm at least trying to do things on my own. Well, I suppose a good first step is trying to explain a little more about myself. I am 22, but I think it's only fair that you know that I have a mental handicap. I am a sufferer of Asperger's Syndrome. (also known as Asperger's Disorder.) an Autism Spectrum disorder. you can read all about it, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger%27s_Syndrome I hope this explains a bit about me. now, I don't completely excuse my behavior become of it, nor do I expect any of you guys to, heck, most guilds I wouldn't even expect to even BELIEVE I had a handicap. but, you all have been so helpful to me, and I DO appreciate all the help I've been recieving and It pains me to know that I've made you guys annoyed or uncomfortable. I have social problems, but I actually desire to fit in. Well, anyway. thank you for hearing me out, you guys have allready shown me more kindness than the 8 guilds I've been bouncing to and to from release of WoW 3 years ago.
Well, I've been working on the gear thing recently, check my Armory link to see what I have managed to get so far. I miss the old days where you could do a mix of PvP and PvE. is PvE gear really 100 percent bad in PvP? do you really HAVE to go one way or the other? Other than that, I gotta work on my heroic keys and my attunements for raids, I still gotta get that Kara key. even if I don't have a slot in the raid, I guess it won't hurt to get attuned.
I know you guysare just trying to help, I'm just getting frustrated that instance groups aren't working out. (And I don't blame you guys or anything, I know that you all are busy. but when I try to find stuff like healers outside of the Guild, and they cop a tude and say that "they don't have time to heal noobs." it frustrates me.) Then there is Tailoring, The first problem is, I simply don't have the sheer dedication of Time Investment to put into making a lot of money, and farming up a lot of stuff. Also, Crafted gear seem to be very temporary upgrades, and it'll feel like my work is for nothing. And, PvP. It just feels horrible that I have to put everyone on the ignore lists, and I can't work together with people, because everyone won't listen to anyone else's input, and they are just there to "farm other players.". and by the item costs for some of the PvP Items, I guess I don't blame them, the cost of the PvP items seems a little rediculous and it seems that you have to "farm" PvP for a LONG time before you ever feel rewarded for it. Again, sorry for the vent, but I'm getting to a breaking point, here. maybe that's because I just feel a bit lonely and just want to play with other players that will treat me with some respect. but I understand that you guys are really busy and I don't wish to step on your toes.
I'm at a very difficult stretch (the terrible "Runecloth Gloves" stretch to get from 289 to 300 Tailoring, so I can finally start working with Netherweave.) Runecloth Gloves, require 4 Bolts a pop. (that's a fulls stacks worth of Runecloth to make a pair.) I either need to do Farming runs, or find other Crushers willing to sell me some Runecloth! I deperately want to end this horrid crafting rut and begin working towards my speciality! Edit: Disreguard, no longer needed.
I don't really care about loot that much myself, as much as it is required to have good enough stats to visit various dungeons. (Though it does bother me when people heckle me about gear in Battlegrounds. I'm a very patient person, I learned MC/ZG/AQ20 as best I could, and paid as much attention as ossible the few times I got pulled into BWL (usually only for a few fights until the "Main Raider" mages came to relieve me.) I don't mind PvP, I just feel a little out of place among the epic'd out people, and they'll tell me as much. I'd love to try Arena, but I've heard that it's actually worse than BG's as you need to form a Team, and it's a ladder.
The few times i have been to The Isle, I, well, I had a hard time getting used to how crowded it is. I try my best to wait my turn to pull the mobs I need, but I still try my best, I just feel a little closed in because of how small the area is, and how many people are doing the same Dailies I am. I was under the impression that Magister's terrace was an instance and required a group. I tend to get nervous about how I play a lot, and I fixate a little on gear just out of habit of being yelled at over not having good gear. I tried PvPing several times, and I basically got told by another Horde player in our Battlegroup to "Get out until I get decent gear and L2P"
Well, I should be able to get the quests no problem, a few of them I do need to wrap up some prerequisites, but I'll try. As for Karazhan, I'm just really nervous about Raiding again, back when I did it in the old days with my old guild, it was really strict, and they yelled at people a lot, there was a ton of drama over items, not that I got to raid all that much anyway. but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot again sometime, since you guys are so much more mature. But then again, I thought I needed to go to Heroics, first?
Hello everyone! Now that I am level 70, I've been trying to work towards some things in the future (Heroics and such.) and well, I kinda needed some guidance as to what I should do. Last night I did have a sucessful Shadow Labyrinth run with some other Crushers. (and got some much needed new bracers and boots from the quests.) What I decided to make this thread for, is so I can ask questions, and well, maybe organize instance runs. but mostly, I wanted to talk about what I should do in the future. for reference, this is my Armory profile, so you guys can take a loot at my equipment, Talent Spec and such: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...wn&n=Garris So, Other than doing Dailies for a bit of money (I just only have so much time to do dailies during my playtime as it is, but I try to get done what I can.) and the odd instance run when I can get one (I know a lot of you raid, and I highly appreciate any group I can get. it just seems like Pickups for non-Heroic stuff is rare nowadays.) I'm not sure what else I can do, my Tailoring is WAY behind, as is my Skinning. I tried PvPing a few times, but the gear gap does seem to be noticable. I appreciate any help I get, Thank you!
So, is Old Hillsbrad unpopular for some reason, I know most of you guys are busy till wendsday, so I've been looking to just do it in a pickup, but nobody sems to want to go.
I'm getting close to 68, and I wouldn't mind a few runs of this place, would anyone wanna help me out with this? I'm trying to be more self sufficient, but it's still fun to run an instance....
Well, I'm back now.
Until I can get a timecard.