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    Clan Skullcrusher
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    Vierendelen (Spleenstab) Hanshi
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  1. Thanks for the heads up!
  2. Spleen


    I appreciate the advice - thanks everyone. I've really done the majority of the things suggested. Scanned the computer a dozen or so times using various reputable anti-virus/malware/keylogger software. They all turn up nothing. I keep the computer up-to-date and clear trash using ccleaner probably way too often. I don't go to the wowmatrix page -- my son gave me the executable, and the addons were scanned as well. I don't click on any advertisements on any wow website. I am truly baffled. Interestingly, the transfers of Vierendelen and Periphery were done using someone else's credit card. I would think the culprit could be traced that way, but it's out of my control; I'll let Blizz do what they need to do. The bad thing is -- I was advised to keep a ticket open to talk to a GM in-game. I waited 3 1/2 hours last night - and and currently in waiting on my deathknight. No telling when I'll get a response. and yeah.. blizz should give those authenticators away
  3. Spleen


    As some of you may know, sometime early this afternoon, my account was taken over. I'm not sure how this happened, I'm still running various scans that have, so far, turned up nothing. The only thing that I recall doing differently was an update of a addon for Equip Compare using wowmatrix. I really can't say that this is what caused it, but you might want to beware the addon. I contacted blizz by email (since the phones are off for the weekend) and a couple of people sent in tickets in my behalf. So far there's been no word. The two main characters have been moved to another server altogether, and I'm assuming that by the time blizz does something, they'll be completely stripped of all my schtuff. I don't know if anyone has had any experience with this, in as far as what resolution was reached, but I do know that if the characters cannot be return entirely intact, I will not be returning. There are many monsters in this game, but the worst ones are the ones you can't see... people. Be careful out there, have fun, and I hope to see you all again soon!
  4. Took you long enough.

    Read more  
  5. I remember little, and even then, perhaps too much. The ice. The unrelenting cold; no escape – from it or the resulting madness. This new form, what was my body, now a decaying husk of what I was. My anger and hatred are the only things that flourish. A Dark Ranger serving for Lady Sylvanas, I was employed for special duties requiring skills in which I excelled. Blending in; hiding, listening, and most of all, a superior ability eviscerating my targets. Her targets. My mission was simple. With two others, go to Northrend, learn all that we can, report back in two weeks. Dispatch anyone that interferes. “I will have their spleens on a stick to feed my dogs”, she said. I remember telling her that I would have her dogs fat and satiated upon my return. I did not know the other two, they are fleeting memories, their names lost with some sanity years ago. They apparently had worked together previously, conducting many missions of which they declined to relate. I gained the nickname of Spleen Stab from one of them; citing my promise to General Sylvanas. Along with two other operatives, I arrived on the cold shores of Northrend. Three elves on shores of which we did not belong, conducting a mission in Her service. Arthas’ forces had been made aware of our arrival – how, I am not certain. I have my suspicions. I had plenty of time to form them. The mission ended before it had a chance to begin. No time to react. No chance for survival. The word ‘transgressors’ was spoken followed by words I do not know. The pain was as if my very soul was on fire. I had fallen, and locked in place by generated ice which was sustained and strengthened by the environment. I waited for death. It never came. Not quite. I was found by an expeditionary force two years ago. They extracted me from the ice and took me to the Undercity for repairs to my broken body, and mind. They called me by the name Spleen. Yes… that’s my name, is it not? The body has been repaired. I am not what I once was. Life was not what it once was. We had all changed. War does that. The Lady had changed as well. I still recognized her as she did me. “Vierendelen, it is good to see you again. I believe you owe my dogs a treat!” A name I had long forgotten. Yes, I am Vierendelen, and yes – I owe her dogs a treat. They shall have it!
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