Aye.....online games can be taxing.......in many ways.
Myself, due to my links and relation to this website, I must bounce between all the game engines (UO, SWG, WoW, CoV, EQ,....and the new ones coming) and it is hard as heckaroonie.
One thing though I have learned is you MUST keep the game fun.....whatever that is where ever it is within the game engines.
It has always been a desire and hope of myself and the others that have build this website up and the guilds within it that the binds that you all create BETWEEN eachother never....NEVER break due to a change in game play. There will always be your home here to return to after whatever break or change you make.
The realworld is taxing and the gaming world, while a release and escape from possible stress, should never itself become stress.
Strength and HONOR....for HONOR and EMPIRE.......we would say in UO
For the EMPIRE........we would say in SWG
FOR THE HORDE!!!! I will say here and now.
We will be here for you Maarj and Jud......you KNOW you have your friends and family waiting for you always.