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About Darian

  • Birthday 02/15/1972

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    New York
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    PGoH Ultima Online: Darian, Gas, Rocky, Chicken WoW: QaPla, Tyllei

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  1. Friday nights are my TV night. Moonlight at 2100 and Primeval at 2200
  2. Kat said in an earlier post.. she's gonna haunt you for wearing it. well haunt any of us.. but get general idea. She is the Armor Police. I do spout off time to time, it is for two-fold reason. To get a response, and to get people to talk. Without information we are left with assumptions. Assumptions lead to misunderstandings. That leads to drama. CoH active again? news to me. Tip. We are yet few here. We are so few that there should be no 'Special' meetings. Those of us who are dedicated to PGoH and that have been here should all take a part in what PGoH will become. We are.. What? 15 active members? (I haven't counted, random number) Once there was 50-70 active members. If ye all wanna make this regrowth happen, Ye can't be excluding people that are here now. Ye need em all. Ye need the input of every member. Just cause one is ancient or others hold the GM titles doesn't make ye exclusive in PGoH. Look at it this way.. The guild is the fire. how does one make a fire? one places bits of wood together to make one. The members are the wood. To be excluded (at this stage) to not have input, how are we..., as the wood, to ignite? I'm sure yer all gonna need read this 3x's. Sometimes I'm good at wording, sometimes i'm not. We are few, exclude us not. Peace, I said enough.
  3. According to such procedures, the council voted in favor of merging Espionage and Arcane into the House of Inquiry, and to merge Genesis and Trades into Commerce. And no, as we said, GM armor is only for RP and designated events. Regular armor is fine for whatever else, and no one would be punished for utilizing it then. That would be silly. However, our members are expected to stay in uniform, not to act in inappropriate ways so as to preserve the guild's image, and to follow the rules that are set. So those are the things that there will be IC punishments for. And if you think getting reprimanded by the Praetorian Prefect or a bit of jailtime for bigger offenses is strict, ask some of the old timers about consequences under previous leadership. We'll be about easy as pie in comparison! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I thought the CoH was no more. Please explain to me what CoH is, what members comprise it, And its standing is in the PGoH community. Like the old elf clan and old skullcrusher clan, I was given to believe CoH was no more. As per punishment... I expect none. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence. Thus not punishable.
  4. My thanks for your response Lady Katherine.
  5. I hear that if a member is seen not wearing GM Armor. they are to be reported and disciplined. Thus, let us say I go out on my warrior to PvM I recall to my house and someone see's me wearing non GM armor,.. I will be punished? (Know the explicatives I will use verse that?)( Not that i use my warrior to hunt, but is the principle.) GM Armor at all Times.. Frak that. And what may I ask is this about abolishing senate seats? And best to leave last.. What is this i hear of trying to change to codex? The Codex made quite awhile ago. Sure.. this isn't a guild with alot of members, (maybe recruit eh) Still... Change the codex? Nay. I refuse. The codex was made and put in place a long time ago. It is the guiding principle of PGoH. To mess with it now? No. What do we stand for if not for our principles and our history? To try and change things..that means letting go of what made PGoH good. Mess with the codex and ye mess with history. Not just with history either.. ye mess with the underlying values of PGoH. I may not have been a member back in 2004 and previous years... But I respected PGoH! It was strong and active. And it was based on the Codex as well. I may not have done well on my codex test, But i'll be damned if I stand by to watch it be rewritten. (Excerpt,) much of my above comments are on what i heard of. I may not be right. What I heard may not be right. But I will stand with all I said. I will await a formal response.
  6. I hear that if a member is seen not wearing GM Armor. they are to be reported and disciplined. Thus, let us say I go out on my warrior to PvM I recall to my house and someone see's me wearing non GM armor,.. I will be punished? (Know the explicatives I will use verse that?)( Not that i use my warrior to hunt, but is the principle.) GM Armor at all Times.. Frak that. And what may I ask is this about abolishing senate seats? And best to leave last.. What is this i hear of trying to change to codex? The Codex made quite awhile ago. Sure.. this isn't a guild with alot of members, (maybe recruit eh) Still... Change the codex? Nay. I refuse. The codex was made and put in place a long time ago. It is the guiding principle of PGoH. To mess with it now? No. What do we stand for if not for our principles and our history? To try and change things..that means letting go of what made PGoH good. Mess with the codex and ye mess with history. Not just with history either.. ye mess with the underlying values of PGoH. I may not have been a member back in 2004 and previous years... But I respected PGoH! It was strong and active. And it was based on the Codex as well. I may not have done well on my codex test, But i'll be damned if I stand by to watch it be rewritten. (Excerpt,) much of my above comments are on what i heard of. I may not be right. What I heard may not be right. But I will stand with all I said. I will await a formal response.
  7. [Once Again I am in the throes of pain thanks to denistry, or lack there of.] I invite all to bear witness as Darian goes into the Temple of the Virtues (hopefully is still there) He will beseech the Gods that he might be cleansed of the passions of his loins.. That he will no longer be prey to Pipers Beauty, Hats, and caramel apples. (ahh.. the taste of caramel upon her lips.. *sighs in tender thoughts*) (besides.. kat is the better catch...! Hats better too! but no caramel lips...*sighs*) (but plenty of stolen caramel apples!) Darian will Humbly approach the shrines and seek cleansing of his soul and base desires. Darian hopes to be renewed, To reliquish the passion of the loins for the passions of nature. To be still in a glade... and feel the cool breeze as the nearby waterfall splashes playfully upon the rocks. To listen to the wind play music with, and for, the trees..the ferns...for nature incarnate... To meditate and become one with the world. To meditate and wait for the wisdom of the Mystic Squirrel Goddess. (=P) I will do this come saterday, after meeting, or before, if the clans people desire. It is time to put to rest this weary head and follow in the land. The Land is forgotten. No more do people follow the buffalo. No More do people Honor the Land. I will follow the words of the Mystic Squirrel Goddess. Her teachings.. Her words.. I will follow no other. Nature is forgotten. I prefer to follow the nuts...
  8. Darian


    Inquiry. Who I talk to in game for joining? Title and Description says it all, *Laughs* So far I got QaPla and Tyllei to level 18 each in 3 days (RL time) (Warrior and Priest) I wasn't gonna ask until I was Higher in level till I noticed a level 23 on last night. It also occurs to me in learning PGoH History.. that there once was a Skullcrusher branch in Ultima Online. It is fitting that they found their way to Azeroth. I think Borg always did have a Dark Side. *chuckles* Peace, QaPla (p.s. and Yes... QaPla is Klingon for Success!)
  9. Thank ye both for the Input *smiles*
  10. Hi, I'm Darian, In Ultima Online, And also part of The Honor Empire there, known as the Purple Guardians of Honor. Last night I started my new project. In the Argent Dawn server.. QaPla - a Tauren Warrior. and on the second PC.. Tyllei - A Blood Elf Priest. I can't say I know a whole heck of a lot about either of the classes. I do have some WoW experience. Though I seem to have forgotten most of it. In the Alliance on the Azjul-Nerub realm I had a druid that I used as a main tank in raids. Just got into Karazan. Guild fell apart, so i quit. (If memory serves.. Druid had 22k armor 13k health 420 defense). In any Case... I found I liked being the Meat being tenderized by the bosses. *chuckles* Thus.. My Warrior Project. The tips I'm looking for deal with Talent Choices, Weapon styles/choices, (What are Battle Stances?) Dual Wield? <- thought only Rouges did that. (The priest I'm not worried about. Once I got both to level 10 I got them together now in Ghostlands. I give Tyllei a scooby snack and he happy to follow at my heels and shield me.) <-Benefit.. In Theory will be able to level faster. Well, Peace.. QaPla
  11. Darian


    Just making all forums up to date... *Laughs*
  12. Darian


    Just making all forums up to date... *Laughs*
  13. Darian


    Just making all forums up to date... *Laughs*
  14. Skill Gaining when Maxed. Okay.. yer at max skills. that's 720 for most of us. Lets say that is because yer dropping a skill. Now... There is an effect, or part, of the game that deals with lowering a skill. Believe it or not... Some skills DO drop slower than others. That makes gaining in the new skill that much harder. And yes. this information is True. I read of it, I am trying it, And I am seeing the results. I only had snooping to drop. My spellweave training still a ###### but... But now it is a little easier. I bought some Alchemy Then set it to drop. Every Spellweave gain I make... my Alchemy drops a point. My snooping hasn't dropped at all in the two days i have been doing this. The results? Alchemy is, as i read, an easy skill to have drop. Tis easy to buy the skill. Tis easier to have it set to drop. Gains ARE faster due to this. use this tip well Peace, Darian
  15. EDIT: ((Darian - 407-557-342 <--is no more)) Found password to my old and dear ICQ # *Smiles* 746-39-440
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