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Everything posted by Strider
Aha, I DO have access to my old forum account!
The final days of an era long gone....
Strider replied to Strider's topic in UO Stories and Screenshots
Thorin had been mining for three days since Strider left camp. He followed him far across the plains and forests to the entrance to Wind... setup camp at a mine nearby and waited. Waiting for this was like waiting for the sun to go out, when you knew it was close to becoming a reality. For several hundred years Thorin and Strider had lived as brothers. Whatever Strider was..human, elf, something else.. it did not matter, they had been through a lot together. In recent ages Thorin himself had served good, both moderate and fanatical, loved a woman, fallen into the hands of evil, and walked the thin line between both worlds. And now, he dug. Deep, into the dirt and stone. His dwarven hands crusted and old. And he waited. Carrying a barrel of shadow ore to the mine entrance he looked out upon the frozen world....and there it was... Blue. The sky, the world, the air. Only for a second, a flash.... after hundreds of years of wandering Sosaria...only a flash. It was enough. It was him, and that was all that mattered. Thorin set to work, smelting his ore, preparing ingots...and as he shaped the last of them...he saw.. Blue. This was shadow ore, of that he was certain..not valorite...but....now it was..all of it. The ingots he had formed before, the ore waiting to be completed...Blue. Thorin wept..deeply, warmly, and happily. His brother was gone...that body was no more. But the spirit..the jokes..the laughter. Something was coming...Thorin was too old for this kind of chaos..his brother would have known that...and so he did... Like a mad man driven to an endless task Thorin shaped large blue stones...shaped, and carved and chipped...working utnil his hands frozen and his body ached. But his heart smiled... his work complete before him were three statues... Three blue birds. Three chances for a new world. Three more tasks, and he could rest. He penned a letter.. he did not know who now resided at Olympus.. he knew "Britannia" was in chaos...though why, he did not really care... he penned a letter to an office, not a person, those old names were probably long at rest. To The Senator of Genesis: I, Thorin Oakshield, former Hunter of the Undead, warrior at the Battle of Trinsic, former general of the Crimson Knights, friend of the Empire, and now druid of the earth and simple miner, and brother to the once Ancient Strider, set a task, in His Name, before you. Strider has left this world. He as you knew him, is no more. His body faded away, harnessing the powers of the City of Wind, to return him to the world from which he came so many ages ago. His spirit, however, and his mission... are eternal. Three birds will lead the way to a new hope, if you so desire such a presence once again. Blue, was his color. Birds, were his friends. And stone was his resolve in completing his tasks in this world. Find these three in one. Find one example or all three which I have carved... But find them. In the coming months, they will appear in the places he loved most. Do not give up. There is always hope, where there is the color blue. -Thorin. With this letter penned and sent forth.. Thorin turned to the mine, and smiled. From rock... to rock. Not death.. but sleep. He took a few short steps into the mine, sat upon a chair of stone, and faded from the eyes of man. -
The wind blew, stark and cold, cutting deep. Ice and snow and pain, wracked the lands. As Sosaria shivered in this wintry grasp..so too did a mind and body, shivering as one with the world it had called home...for so long. Times were dark, tension, like threads of black widows web...energy pulsing..begging to devour life, hung in the air. One spot shone...barely still, but hanging on, an other-worldly glow, from a tired face. A voice, escaped thin lips, that once knew wine, and laughter, and hope. You brought me far old friend...even in these days when I was but shadow and memory... and it began here. This mountain, where you awoke my being into Sosaria....oh...Sosaria....I have wept for you, and you for me. These stones..this place...memories...lost....in... Wind. I am leaving now.. I think. My work, oh ho ho, my work..endless as it is, seeks now a reprieve. Come snowy hills, let pass my feet to homeward paths. I go from this world..but perhaps a part of me will stay behind...only time will tell. Mist and terror, filled this place, but he moved forward, and up..and on...for ages he had known this land, never tiring as he had now. It was not darkness, or chaos, or his foes, which had over thrown him... it was age. Time. He could pass from age to age and time to time, crossing all boundaries..but even the Ancients must rest. He reached his destination...but he knew he would not see those marble walls, that glorious abode crafted of magic and mystery.. He lifted his hands over the portal home...and smiled...for a moment...the sky was clear...the sky.... Was blue. And he...was gone. Had there been eyes watching, they would thought he entered Wind.The city of mages. However, older eyes...would know...other things.
As some of you know, Kodo, Charlie and myself have been training spell weaving, and in the proccess Ive been obviously thinking of ways to use the skill, and something hit me, and it works. Now, before you run off and take my advice... please please, consider if this fits your characters personality and not just if it suits you for pvp and pvm. Find a way to role play out why you can do this, seek training under me IC or something, but dont just do it. Ok, so this applies to humans. As you should know humans have the trait "Jack Of All Trades", which gives them a natural 20 skill in everything. So, you take your human, say, a pure warrior or ANYTHING, and complete the Spell Weaving quest. This will allow you to use spell weaving and its spells. Lock SW, ofcourse. This will now give you access to some very handy things with the natural 20 skill. First: You can now use Arcane circle, do this with other Sw users who have 0-20 skill, and youll get a focus thatll strengthen your spell weaving spells. Second: Gift of Renewal. YOu can now use this, which will heal you like regen, if youre damaged itll regen a bit of healthy every so often. Very handy. Third: Attunement. This will allow you to absorb some physical damage for a short time. Being so low it isnt a huge amount ofcourse, but it can be very good in combination with GoR above. And besides, for having no trained skill this is nice. Fourth: Nature Fury. Summons a swarm of insects to attack monsters. If youve seen it, its great This summons like the other spells here has a min skill cost of 0. You can summon some of these, and theyll help you in battle alot. And there you go, things that are very helpful and add flavour to your template without taking up a skill slot. Find 5 0-20 spell weavers and you can get a level 5 focus, and really boost these things to incredible power, for someone with 0 skill. Again, please consider the In Character reasons for doing this, before doing it. Strider will "teach anyone the ways of the Arcanist" if they seek him out, but dont do this just for the lovely bonuses. There you go and enjoy. P.S. You'll need to find the scrolls for these ofcourse, but we can help with that for those who seek this path.
I voted yes. While indeed the game has areas such as Trammel and Felluca built in, they are not fully adequate in the situation of "guild war" Simply put, if all you had to do was go to Trammel and some one you are warred with, who can physically attack you due to being orange, cant attack you because of rules, it ruins the point of guild war. Warring them is a good idea for increased activity etc. These zones make it so you can pvp when you want to, but also know that youre not forced to if you stick to safe areas. My 2 pence.
I need to edit that, thats from an original draft I came up with. -edit to Laws, delete mount laws.
Laws of Trinsic: Preamble * Let it be known that the rightful ruler of Trinsic, the Honor Empire,holds sovereign authority over the laws and customs of the City, and reserve the right to amend, remove, or enact such new laws as they may deem fit. * These laws are applicable to those within the area of the Trinsic city walls. Arrest of suspected offenders may only be carried out by appointed guardsmen of such guilds and orders approved by the Empire. Crimes Breach of the peace * By order of the Empire and to increase the safety of the streets, no duelling is to take place in any area of the city except the Market Square or the Training Hall on Paladins Isle or at the Barracks and Training Area.Guards are not permitted to duel whilst on duty. This shall apply also to training pets to fight. * Further by order of the Empire and to assist in keeping the peace, no person shall openly bear arms within the bounds of the City of Trinsic unless specifically authorised to do so. Those so authorised are the Guards and members of the Legion. All other persons may possess arms but are not permitted to carry them in their hands or use them save in self defence. An exception may be made in the case of the elderly or infirm who require a staff for support. Disorderly Conduct *No person or persons shall willfully or negligently act in a manner with the intent to cause grievance to, decieve, or obstruct another within the city limits. Examples of such infringements include misdemeanors such as:- breaking an imposed ban, impersonating a tax collector, blocking highway, continued harrassment of an individual or group, taking the form of any undead, demonic or non-human enemy of the city, raising undead creatures, summoning evil creatures or familiars etc.. *No person shall purposefully act in a manner that physically threatens the city or the life of another or make menacing threats against those put in a position of authority by the Empire. Supplying Alcoholic wares to those Underage. *No person shall sell, give or otherwise distribute alcoholic wares to children under the age of 18 in Trinsic. Arson *No person shall intentionally set fire to the property of another individual or of the City with the intent to cause damage. Theft * No person shall take any item or property from another individual without their consent, unless as part of a criminal investigation or to disarm them to protect oneself or others. Animal Laws * All animals must be stabled at all times and must not be left to wander freely, or must be under control of their owner. Any animals found wandering will be sold on. Any animals wandering and traced back to the owner will be subject to a fine. * No mounts may be ridden within Trinsic City Walls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kidnapping * No person shall restrain or otherwise imprison another individual without their consent, unless to protect themselves or other individuals. Unlawful Imprisonment * No person shall seek to confine within a jail or cell another individual on the basis of any alleged crime not here listed. Blackmail * No person shall attempt to use information against another individual in a malicious way so as to extract favour or money. Extortion * No person shall attempt to use threats or force against another individual so as to extract favour or money. Bribery * No person shall for their own or another's gain offer money or gifts or favours to any individual of legal authority in the city. Slander/Libel * No person shall knowingly and wilfully spread falsehoods in speech or writing about another individual which are intended to defame, discredit, or damage that individual or individuals associated with them in any way. Perverting the Course of Justice * No person shall attempt to impinge upon through falsehood or otherwise negatively affect a criminal investigation or trial. This includes assisting those held in custody to escape. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * No person will intentionally harm or attempt to harm any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another. * No person will intentionally take the life or attempt to take the life of any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another. Treason * No person shall conspire, alone or in league with others, or actively take action, to damage, defame, discredit, remove or overthrow the rightful government of Trinsic, that being the Honor Empire. Important: Be it further known that no recalling, gating or use of sacred journey should be permitted within the walls of Trinsic. Those found repeatedly ignoring this advise will be charged with Disorderly conduct, in order to preserve the safety of our citizens and visitors. The only exception is the City docks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS OF THE LEGION: UNDER ORDERS OF THE ACTING SENATOR OF WAR, STRIDER. ALL MEMBERS OF THE LEGION, OF ALL RANKS, ARE ON HIGH ALERT, AND GRANTED GUARD AUTHORITY WITHIN THE CITY OF TRINSIC! The continued presence and visits by undead and other shady figures has prompted this action. Also, a murder reported a day after their attack, a corpse found blasted in half by magical mean, has also contributed to this action. All members of the Legion have the authority to question suspicious subjects, and to remove Undead and other known threats from the City. The Authority to arrest criminals of all kinds is also granted and all members are asked to make use of the City Jail, in such cases as required. The following positions are to be manned as often as possible, and the following patrol route to be taken each day you are able. Patrol route is marked in purple, as it is a high traffic area. The points in red are to be manned when possible, especially during Saturday evenings. The green mark is the City Jail. These orders stand for all the Legion, until otherwise noted. Though you must always be in uniform, this is especially important during Guard duties, and will be more strictly enforced so that Guardians are easily identifiable by all. Be on the lookout for all strange activity. Trinsic City Laws will soon be made known to all, be sure to have a feel for them while enforcing the law. Strength and Honour! *signed* Strider, Decurion and Senator of War, Captain of the Guard, Trinsic.
Thank you Blair. Now EVERYONE else who has a character in the Legion, PLEASE, respond as she did. It is very helpful for me to know who is in the Legion and active. Right now it looks like our only member is Piper, so please respond as she did. Thank you.
Greetings all Squires and Legionnaires, and to all members of the Legion. For those who dont know me, I am Strider and have recently been appointed Decurion for the Legion. Also, until we have a permanent Senator of War I will be filling that position, but only temporarily. Now, some important notes for all members of the legion, especially new members, and Squires. From this point on, let it be known wearing of Uniforms as set out in the Codex is required. Uniforms are as follows: Section 1- Standard Uniform Paragraph i The Senator of War wears a red cape, a black kilt, purple half apron, and a blue sash. Paragraph ii The Imperator wears black armor, a black cape, a black kilt, a purple sash, and a purple half apron and wears the Empires Medallion. Paragraph iii The Centurion wears golden armor, a purple cape, a black kilt, a sash of the cohort color, and a purple half apron. Paragraph iv The Decurion wears blue armor(purple gloves and chest), black sash, black kilt, black cape and purple half apron Paragraph v The Knight wears silver armor, Cohort Sash, a black kilt, and a purple half apron..NO CAPE. Paragraph vi The Squire wears silver armor, a black doublet, and a purple kilt and purple half apron..NO CAPE. Paragraph vii The Legionnaire wears a black doublet and a purple half apron..NO KILT and NO CAPE. ----------- This is required to reinforce the visual unity of the Legion. It is only a start towards the strengthening of the Legion, but is vital. Contact me with any question on ICQ, 9066880. ------------ Training: We will soon begin Legion Training. This training will be to strengthen the tactics of fighting in a group. Being able to handle yourself individually is one thing, and important, but fighting as a group is out most important tactic. We will practice such things as cross healing, boxxing up, and fighting in a line. These are very important and must be remphasized within the Legion. Trainings will take place in the Barracks zone of Trinsic, and a time will soon be announced. Please send me your individual availability at 9066880. This will speed up the time it takes me to decide a training schedule. If I am not available I will ask either Kodoz or Ser to run the Training on some occassions, if they are willing and able. ------- Role-Playing: I must strongly emphasize we are, and it is in the Codex, a role playing in guild. I will expect all embers to remain in character and represent the Empire as best as possible. As I get to know each of you, as best as possible, I will be reporting your performance to Kodoz. I do not want to sound overly strict or mean about any of this, in fact this will help improve your enjoyment, and open new doors for all fo you. I would like tod o more events with our allies and even enemies in the future, and this will go much more smoothly if we focus on our RP, and strengthen it. The reward and medal system will be used to reward those who make progress in role playing and provide an example for the rest of the Legion. DO not be afraid. Any help or questions about role playing you have and need answered etc, PLEASE PLEASE spek with me or Kodoz. We are here to help you. -- Again, send me your schedules so that regular training can begin. Training is a time to get to know each other and learn tactics and make friends within our ranks, and learn how to work together. -- To all Knights and HIgher within the Legion! Ill be wanting a meeting with each of you who are already Knights and higher. Uniform is very important for all of you, to set an example for new members and for all who see us. As your Cohort grows it is entirely possible those who are Knights as of right now, may become Centurion of their Cohort. To make any kind of choice I need to know all of you, and so a meeting is important. This could very well take place Saturday after the Tavern Night. ---- NOw, your response to this post: Please post only the following in this thread, and send all questions to my ICQ, which is again 9066880. Please post: Name and Rank and if a Knight, your Cohort, of all characters in the Legion, and note which one is your main character. Along with your ICQ number. Thanks alot folks, I look forward to hearing from all of you. Please send me your schedules, by ICQ. 9066880
Ok, UPDATE OF IMPORTANCE. We WONT be using the Market Square for Codex training, as I have future ideas for that spot. Instead Ive found a very fun little spot, that some of you may not know about, a nice "easter egg" made by OSI for people to find. It is now to be on the Second Floor of the Tinker Shop. "But there are no stairs, wise Strider, there cant be a second floor, can there?" YES THERE CAN, AND YES THERE IS! As Decurion, I will open a gate to the Chamber on Test nights, in case for some reason I am not around I will be sure Anfalas, Kodoz, and Charlie have runes.
I think however, that if we are on a hunt that is easy enough to interrupt for an EM event, just a thought though. Whatever works.
Forgot this little bit. ------ Government of the City of Honour. The City of Honour, Trinsic, is the Capitol of the Empire. The Capitol building, Castle Olympus lies north of Trinsic. Though the Emperor oversees the Empire as a whole, the daily affairs of Trinsic are the responsibility of the Governor of Illycium whose current office holds him in Trinsic, due to the state of the Empire. The Governor: Acts as liason between the citizens of Trinsic of all walks of life, and the Empire. It is his job to oversee city matters. He relys on the Decurion, in his role as Gaurd Captain to uphold the Law of Trinsic, and make use of his Legionairres and Squires as City Guards. Decurion: The Decurion, in charge of Legionaires and Squires is Captain of the Guard. He upholds the Laws of Trinsic and handles the legal matters of the City. GUards: Legionaries and Squires serve as Guards of Trinsic, to prove their value to the Empire. Here they learn of Honor, Justice, and Humility.
Ok the following are suggested Laws for Trinsic, as we will be making use of it, etc, and keeping the peace, etc. I will admit right away these are mostly taken from the laws used by the Europa RP guild, DOT, Duchy of Trinsic, and edited to suit our needs. Also credit goes to A^K Army of Kaldor, of Europa, for some of the mor simplified versions of these laws. ----------- Laws of Trinsic: Preamble * Let it be known that the rightful ruler of Trinsic, the Honor Empire,holds sovereign authority over the laws and customs of the City, and reserve the right to amend, remove, or enact such new laws as they may deem fit. * These laws are applicable to those within the area of the Trinsic city walls. Arrest of suspected offenders may only be carried out by appointed guardsmen of such guilds and orders approved by the Empire. Crimes Breach of the peace * By order of the Empire and to increase the safety of the streets, no duelling is to take place in any area of the city except the Market Square or the Training Hall on Paladins Isle or at the Barracks and Training Area.Guards are not permitted to duel whilst on duty. This shall apply also to training pets to fight. * Further by order of the Empire and to assist in keeping the peace, no person shall openly bear arms within the bounds of the City of Trinsic unless specifically authorised to do so. Those so authorised are the Guards and members of the Legion. All other persons may possess arms but are not permitted to carry them in their hands or use them save in self defence. An exception may be made in the case of the elderly or infirm who require a staff for support. Disorderly Conduct *No person or persons shall willfully or negligently act in a manner with the intent to cause grievance to, decieve, or obstruct another within the city limits. Examples of such infringements include misdemeanors such as:- breaking an imposed ban, impersonating a tax collector, blocking highway, continued harrassment of an individual or group, taking the form of any undead, demonic or non-human enemy of the city, raising undead creatures, summoning evil creatures or familiars etc.. *No person shall purposefully act in a manner that physically threatens the city or the life of another or make menacing threats against those put in a position of authority by the Empire. Supplying Alcoholic wares to those Underage. *No person shall sell, give or otherwise distribute alcoholic wares to children under the age of 18 in Trinsic. Arson *No person shall intentionally set fire to the property of another individual or of the City with the intent to cause damage. Theft * No person shall take any item or property from another individual without their consent, unless as part of a criminal investigation or to disarm them to protect oneself or others. Animal Laws * All animals must be stabled at all times and must not be left to wander freely, or must be under control of their owner. Any animals found wandering will be sold on. Any animals wandering and traced back to the owner will be subject to a fine. * No mounts may be ridden within Trinsic City Walls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kidnapping * No person shall restrain or otherwise imprison another individual without their consent, unless to protect themselves or other individuals. Unlawful Imprisonment * No person shall seek to confine within a jail or cell another individual on the basis of any alleged crime not here listed. Blackmail * No person shall attempt to use information against another individual in a malicious way so as to extract favour or money. Extortion * No person shall attempt to use threats or force against another individual so as to extract favour or money. Bribery * No person shall for their own or another's gain offer money or gifts or favours to any individual of legal authority in the city. Slander/Libel * No person shall knowingly and wilfully spread falsehoods in speech or writing about another individual which are intended to defame, discredit, or damage that individual or individuals associated with them in any way. Perverting the Course of Justice * No person shall attempt to impinge upon through falsehood or otherwise negatively affect a criminal investigation or trial. This includes assisting those held in custody to escape. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * No person will intentionally harm or attempt to harm any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another. * No person will intentionally take the life or attempt to take the life of any individual or animal without their consent, other than in self-defence or defence of another. Treason * No person shall conspire, alone or in league with others, or actively take action, to damage, defame, discredit, remove or overthrow the rightful government of Trinsic, that being the Honor Empire. Important: Be it further known that no recalling, gating or use of sacred journey should be permitted within the walls of Trinsic. Those found repeatedly ignoring this advise will be charged with Disorderly conduct as above, in order to preserve the safety of our citizens and visitors. The only exception is the City docks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I shall pray that God and all his Angels and Saints be with them.
ummm ok that didnt work so my additions are: 1. Keg & Anchor Tavern 2. Codex Testing Zone (down near the docks) 3. Jonathan Small's Nick Nack Shop(in trinsic jewelers next to healers)
Here is Borgs map of Trinsic with my recent additions.
Awesome Thanks for this information. I am looking forward to seeing all this work out, and look forward to perhaps events where we as a guild gather supplies, items, etc for the collections. Great possibilities here.
Could a Mod of the Announcement forum or such make an official note of that by the way? So that people know we won't be using the Checker Board in Nujel'm anymore, so as to keep things within Trinsic, and focus our play. Thanks!
Indeed, they stay in PGoH, the elves, just use the structure outlined on the Elves section of the PGoH website And thanks for the excellent map. I'll soon be labeling parts of the civilian side of town (southern side) to be seen as the Civilian Quarter of the town, as they fill up, first 3 areas Ill be marking ar the Keg & Anchor Tavern, the Bazaar Ground along its southern wall, and as approved by Kodoz the new Codex Testing area, near the docks.
Hey folks Im back and have some thoughts. Well, as everyone knows (or should) PGoH is a very very old guild, had our ups and downs, but has for me been a great place. So Id like to make some comments and suggestions to help out Kodoz, a great friend. Role Playing: What Ive seen of us rping in the past few days, has been great, keep up the good work. Try and include yourselves in any rp events throughout the shard, experience it all for yourself, and have fun. The Codex and Guild uniforms etc.: I would like to suggest we try and adhere much more closely to the guild uniforms set out in the Codex, to keep the general feel of the guild alive. It has a certain feel to it set down by Borg and others over time, that I feel is great. Just some thoughts on it Recruitment: I would like to put up a recruitment thread on the RP ring forums, so once Kodoz says go for it, Im gonna do this. Elves: As you may or may not know PGoH actually has our own system for elves, ranks, and beliefs and clothing, and everything. Its a system Ive been mostly following for a long time, and I suggest anyone interested in being an Elf in PGoH take a look at it, you may find you like it ALOT, as it is very thorough. It can be found on the main guild page. This is extremely important, with the coming of playable elves, I think, to give us a base of our own to work with. Trinsic: The City of Honour, a city we have used as the place we defend and protect for ages. I think we should all encourage each other and be encouraged to make frequent use of the City, rp in it etc. Since we do defend it, as set down to us by Lord British himself, perhaps require Leggionaires and Squires to pull guard duty and patrols from time to time, to bring some more life to the place? With the coming of [serf], they being common people of Trinsic, itll be a fun place to live, work, and play, and we can really give it life by making it more and more our center. It is afterall within view of Olympus, so we can even use the NPC buildings. Borg once had a map of TRinsic, divided up into what was for what purpose, if this is still around it could come in handy for sure, and we can begin doing what we set out to do long ago. With someone like [Tri] long gone, it is pretty much left to us to RP the defenders of Trinsic. I know I am setting up the lore of [serf] to recognize PGoH as such. So those are my comments and ideas for now, most important is keeping our RP strong (as I know we can, y'all are great ) and attracting more people to come join in on the fun. Oh and perhaps having a jousting event, rp'd out, only allowing gm armour and UBWS lances, in Trinsic, say on Paladin Isle of something, would help bring life there. If this is agreeable we can work it out, well the leadership can and Ill gladly help. Ok, read all this over, think it over and lets talk and get crackin!
He looked to the sky. He could feel it, it was coming, they... were coming. He could not reveal this, not now. All these years, these ages, waiting for the return of his people.. Soon he would no longer live by a title alone. Strider would soon be no more. For many ages now he had wandered this realm, even passing between it and others, doing the work he was placed to do, placed by the Sky Father. He had rarely revealed the nature of his work, but Strider was here for a reason, and at long last his work, and the work of countless others would pay off. He sat in beside the gran telescope, using it to view the heavens, checking the planets. He passed his hand through the air, opening a small rift... Time and space were so thin now.. before it took effort to do his work, but now.. No, now it was too easy. Doors long sealed were opening. In time and space, and in his life, this was the truth. Not only would he soon change, but his son was coming. All these years, and finally he would be able to enter this realm freely. Reunited at last. Only Kodoz knew he had a son, and this was only recently revealed. Times were changing... and he was prepared.
Nope, I stayed in the north, so no Blarney stone. I highly recommend, if you EVER get the opportunity to go to Ireland, North of the Republic, GO! Best time Ive had in a long time, brilliant.
To hell with those games Flip Cup is where its at.
I saw someone trying to sell their soul online once... That, is disturbing. Amazing what you can get on the net these days.