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Everything posted by Rhoach

  1. *shrug* Haven't really tested it out.
  2. Me try tu be der. Damn. It. Showed up an hour late, forgetting to account for the hour difference.
  3. Rhoach


    Sounds pretty sweet.
  4. Both of these herbal ingredients are very useful to rogues, so if you happen upon some, and you have some skill in herbalism, kindly send it to one of your friendly clan rogues. Dabu!
  5. Finally! Let me be the first (or second or third or whatever) to say WELKUM, NU PEON!
  6. Rhoach


    Hm. This should be interesting. Which clan is responsible for setting the whole thing up? Apologies in advance if I just neglected to read sufficiently...
  7. Ah, good thing you put this here. I've got a lot on me and I've already sold 40+ of both to the vendor already! I'll send the rest your guys' way.
  8. *grins and bows* Fun stuff. Really wish we could get more of the clan in on it, heheh. I suppose that's what Uglutz is working on though in the other thread.
  9. Rhoach

    Happy Holidays!

    Looks like santa needs some ass. And an enema.
  10. Lemme think of a few things, and I'll send 'em to ya!
  11. Don't hijack the thread please.
  12. How about we make sparring a pre-groupclomp activity? Or we could integrate it with the swapmeet (which never really happened). Just so long as we make it a regular thing. Edit: By the way, I also found an arena in Orgrimmar. Just couldn't figure out how to actually get into the actual gladiatorial area.
  13. How 'bout we get some crushers together and test our combat skills against each other, one-on-one? I want to get a good idea of what each class is capable of against mine before I go against some real competition, so I'll be better prepared. Thoughts, comments?
  14. Er... this is MUCH too high level...
  15. Rhoach


    Not sure, really. So far, I've only got two recipes, and both require things I can get at the poison vendor. As soon as I get more advanced recipes, I'll start posting about em. By the way, I noticed something about the poisons in the item screen. It lists at the top: "classes:rogue." Not sure if that means that only rogues can apply the poisons or not. If that is the case, then you'll have to be with a rogue who can actually apply the poison for you. Not sure about this yet. I'll need to test it out ingame. Update: Tried poisoning Meifftor's weapon in-game... apparently, poisons can only be used by rogues on their OWN weapons, not others. Blizzard really doesn't want rogues to poison the weapons of others for some reason... Sorry to have misled you. I suppose you should all stick to sharpening stones, heheh. Will still be requesting poison reagents on here, however.
  16. Jeez, you can't get a break
  17. And they have been the cause of the death of many a human so far!
  18. Rhoach


    One of the crafting classes we have neglected thus far is the poison making ability (only available to rogues). I have just obtained this ability, and, provided the proper materials, can make poisons for the clan to 'enhance' their weapons with. For better gnomes and gardens. Or something. (pretty sure everyone can use these, I don't see any 'you have to be a rogue' prerequisite on the items or anything) Our other resident rogue should have this skill as well fairly soon. *grins at Grawuulf*
  19. Just got up to medium armor kits myself.
  20. I did it earlier and it worked for me... I think we should get another clompin' together
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