Warcraft races in rank of amount of hair... um... 'down there':
(from least to most)
Undead (all rotted away!)
Gnomes (burnt off while testing their prototype automated circumcising device)
Tauren (indistinguishable from most of their other hair)
Humans (I hear the paladins shave it)
Trolls (we got some dreadlocks goin' on down there, mon)
Orcs (does the carpet match the curtains, greenie?)
Dwarves (these are the classic hairy guys)
and coming in at maximum hairiness... Night Elves! I mean, c'mon, have you seen the size of their eyebrows? You could break one of those things off and beat someone to death with it. Should be able to use it as a one-handed weapon if a night elf's weapon breaks. If their facial hair gets that out of control, just think of the 'all natural' jungle that must be sprouting out of their codpieces. I wouldn't be surprised if a standard night elf greeting was, 'May your pubic mane flow like a mighty river.'
That is all.
p.s. My apologies for my bizzaro behavior. I believe that I have WoW anticipation dimensia.