Fing! Glad to see you around, old man! Been quite some time, even when I tried to play Midgard in DAoC with you all those years ago.
Aye, I only have 615 allocated at the moment. My spec used to be:
GM Sword/Tac/Parry/Arch/Anat/Healing and about 74 resist. (This was from before GM'ing resist was anywhere close to easy for a melee character).
I since dropped the Archery for Chivalry, as I like the Paladin title next to my name.. Heh.. But since Resist is nothing like it used to be, I soul stoned that, and have a cap of 710 or 715 (Can't remember which.. Just what you get for the account age reward.. no scrolls as of yet.)
My dilemma is that since now you need some skills OVER 100, I can't decide on what I'd want to take handicapped to account for the points needed to make other skills useful, or if I should just work with these skills. These skills might be fine enough to work with, but since I have absolutely NO good gear, I can't see this template working. Maybe it's possible if you have artifacts, stat scrolls, etc... But I don't think that's in the cards for me.
So I'm always keeping an eye out for good ideas that don't require a particularly large amount of time or money.