How many of you old timers remember MyUO? How many of you youngin's never heard of it?
Well, you should get to know it. It's a valuable tool for some of us indecisive folk. I for one am at an impasse in what I can solo given my equipment and skillset, so I'm considering changing around me skills a bit.
So how do you use it, what good is it?
Go to, and sign in. This isn't necessarily your UO account name that you use, so you may have to register one. I'm sure you could use it, but you can also use a character name. I can tell you my MyUO account name is Coldren, but that is definitely not my UO account name.
So sign in and do a character search for one of your characters (Char Search on the left). Once you find your character, a paperdoll will show what you were wearing the last time MyUO updated. You'll see a "Status" button next to it. Click on that. You'll see that it will list your skills and stats, and at the bottom is a checkbox saying:
Make this character page visible to the world
Check that and hit change! Now whenever anyone wants to know your stats/skills, you can refer them to the MyUO site!
I for one would like to know the skills a few of you use. Here's my simplistic template that served me well prior to AoS (Well, now it has Chivalry instead of Archery), but is a bit long in the tooth now:
Strength and Honor!