The warlock addons that Ive used are Necrosis and Servitude. Both were great prior to the changes Blizzard made to API. Now, the warlock must be more on the ball and manually seduce/devour/sacrifice where once it could be automated. We can attempt the felhunters vs the magic debuf. Probably, we will need to pick and choose who gets the curse removed (as mentioned before). Given the cool down, number of people effected, speed of recast from Lucy, dying felhounds, confusion and so on assigning each warlock a single target (at least at first) will be necessity. Im thinking from what we experienced last night that the healers need to be the ones covered by felhound so they in turn can do their job for others, and on down the line.
Oh and hey! Where are the props to the warlocks in raids? You always hear " awesome healing" or "good job tanks" Ive never once heard:"Great job SSing the tank so he can get up and regain aggro before the raid wiped" nor " great timing on that banish when we pulled the surger and the annihilator and were about to wipe." We 'locks get no respect i tell ya; no respect.
On another note, can resist potions help prevent damage from the curses and doom?
Other random questions and suggestions: Who can make and bring repair bots? What level of resistance do we need to make any real difference? What number/type of potions should people have with them? Did everyone take firstaid and get up to Hvy runecloth? Lets spell out the timered spawn situation so everyone can see why we have to hustle. Where is an explanation of the NDKP (is that right?) that we are using?