I had used Insomniax for a long time. It just got too memory intense for my computer. If you have a good system, defiantely check it out.
currently i still need a few things:
CTraid is a must in end game, also i use most of the rest of Ctmod.
Scrolling Combat Text, configurable on screen combat info. SCT is good for every class. SCT not only tells you damage, but other combat info as well.
Sort Enchant, and Enchantingdatabase are very helpful if you enchant. Sortenchant, well, sorts your enchantments into categories. Enchantdb will help you price your enchants according to the current AH prices of materials.
Bank info addon (i forget the name) lets you view your bank contents of any of your characters, anywhere. Very helpfull if you have alot of alts.
Necrosis, or Servitutde if you are a warlock. I personally prefer Necrosis. It has spell timers, shard tracker, add buttons for just about everything you can summon, announces to raid/group things like summoning, seduced target, etc. Also it gives audio cues on events like "shadowtrance"