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Everything posted by Volonazra

  1. Canceled Sorry, work related, and cannot be avoided. I do still want to do this and hope to reschedule before the end of lunar fest. Have a good night.
  2. Ol' Volonazra watches from above in his tower at the center Base Camp. He takes time this day to view the training and work the peons are doing. He notices one troll in particular he knows nothing of this new whelp. "Grimlos! Whu dat olog dere?"he asks. The imp replies:"She is Chrysalia. A new mage in training master. Bright and spirited." Peering through his scope at her Volonazra says: "She iz Dar'klaef? Hmm she seek sheltah wid uz eh. Dat kan unly mean..." He stops looking at the troll and begins pondering the situation.
  3. Oh my how quickly the epeens burst forth I dont mind WHO we designate, only that we DO. Seeing as the we are reliant upon the miners to go along with us, repeatedly, its kinda in their hands. The first step will be to determine which items are NEEDed first. Then find out who is closest to the faction per tradeskill and designate that person as "lead" for the guild effort. Then plan the many trips to the DI nodes. Then turn in the ore, smoking hearts, etc as necessary.
  4. Abstain. There IS in fact some time to think about it. Reading is fundamental. Also, there hasnt been enough discussion nor fact found. I could easily transfer over, given that most of my concerns were met to my satisfaction. (see my posts on the NEWS board) I dont understand those that simply put "Been here since day one, im staying." Without details you seem to me much like those fools that live knowingly in the path of hurricanes:"Im stayin right here dag nab it. I been born 'n raised right here. OH NOES I cant believe the hurricane took everything i had." Just kidding, Id like to here more reasons why. Convince me to stay.
  5. Excuse me miss, the line starts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------>back here. No, seriously. For endevors like these, we really must get everyone onboard the "good of the guild" philosophy. We must decide upon one person per tradeskill to gain the highest status and as a guild donate to that one persons reputation. In this way, everyone has a better chance at actually seeing those hard to get plans/recipies/fomula/etc We share openly therefore we only need one person to have the high faction to make the benefits available to all. Once that is accomplished, greed aside, there is little need to toil with the silly reputation grinds. Make sense?
  6. For me it would depend on many factors. First and foremost, I would only want to go if we decide as a guild to move together. Next, I would hate to leave the friends and connections Ive made this past year and would only want to transfer if many of them would be also. Finally, I would want to know more about the community in general of the realms we are going to be pigeon-holed with. I would transfer hoping the grass would be greener. We all know that may not be the case. Then again, we may be freed from the many issues on AD and find a much better community to game with. So I guess a vote would be a way to test everyones feeling. Then again, we rarely get more than the same handful of guildmates to visit the forum. Time is a factor too. Maybe we should have a meeting this week.
  7. The Lunar Festival is upon us. It is time to honor the ancestors and pay tribute to thier struggles and sacrifice. Come with me my kin, let us honor ourselves by honoring our roots. Let us pay homage and give the respect due them. This Wednesday, Feb 1st, I am hoping you will join me in an RP event. My plan is to visit each of the elders and give our respects. At this time, it is rumored to require large amounts of travel, some of which will be dangerous even for our most powerfull. With help, I hope to be the host for all available and wishing to join. Please sign up here if you can be available Wed. evening and state what time is best. If Wed. is not good we can also conduct serveral pilgrimages. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/events/lunarnewyears/
  8. Hmm 2.8 is middle of the road as far as speed goes. I cant give the best case for that one. I have always read/heard that the general rule is: 2h should get crusader, 1h should get Lifesteal. You -may- want to get the +agi/+str on it instead. Im leaning toward Agi, as that would help you in many areas (ie crits>flurrying). If it were me Id take the time to post/read on some shaman forums and see what good advise comes from them. Also, ol Kaer likes to number crunch. Im sure he'd love to talk about it with you.
  9. Volonazra

    TS Server

    GAH! Kidney shot them for us.
  10. Yes, the Life Stealing is incredible. Only for fast weapons though. It is a %proc type, not timered. Its not a great option for group pve situations where you dont want aggro. If we wanted, we could attempt to raid farm the enchant for the guild in Scholo form Spectral Researchers.
  11. Volonazra


    ok, try not to let the man get you down.
  12. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/ Well, the rumors were true and transfers are finally available to our overcrowded server. Unfortunately Blizzard has decided (in their infinite wisdom) to let people from the oldest and largest RP server move to a PvP server. Looking at the list of other servers allowed to move to Mug'thol, it should be a delightful community. UPDATE: Blizzard seemingly was able to pull their heads out and see the light. NOW, we gets no transfers. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post6816299
  13. Wez glad ta hab yu. Git beeg agh strong lik all lil Skullcrushaz shuld. Wez helb yu wen yu need it.
  14. Starting Jan. 27th and running through Feb. 14th '06 the Druids of Azeroth will celebrate and honor their ancestors victorys over ancient evils. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/events/lunarnewyears/
  15. OH, and prepare for the much beloved queing system to get onto your server. The servers cant handle all the subscribed players at once. Therefore, you must wait in a queue untill sufficient space is available. Rusty, its going to be a looooong evening. On the bright side, its a great game. Wear a bib, cause soon enough you will be a drooling, addicted, vegitable just like the rest of us.
  16. No, id have to say naked. Biologically speaking, Mr. Turtle is without a protective organ not a domicile.
  17. The word on the street is AD will be getting server transfers soon. This is just rumor though. If worse comes to worse, maybe we should all mass migrate. Also, it will get better come the end of the month. All those free 1 month subscriptions will be over and time for people to pay up. Always happens around the beginning of Feb. (all you MMO vets already know this trend)
  18. Awesome! These sort of things (events) are what really make a gaming world. Seemed that any desert zone got a nice dose of bugs and ancient evil. I recognized Shimmering flats, Desolace, and Tanaris. (not sure what the first forest area was, elven arctitecture) I think he had to turn down the graphics due to the WHOLE server being in one zone at once. Im sure, my humble lil 'puter will have seizures when our time comes to see this event.
  19. Why do hotdogs come ten in a package, yet hotdog buns come in packages of eight? Why do we drive on a parkway, but park in the driveway? Discuss
  20. WOW! Congratulations. I am very happy for you and your family. Chloe looks to be almost smiling in the pics. Thank you for sharing your life with your online friends. Brings us back to what is important. BTW, why didnt you let your wife wear the superman t-shirt?
  21. great...just great! I showed this tothe wife, and she didnt find it funny. So, what ensued was not a funny discourse and goofy connections to our life. Instead, i caught what us wowtards call "wifey aggro'.
  22. Dat pruv nubfing. Fur all lat gruk, lat pay sum ogre ta drezz up lik me. Lurn yur place lowly dogs! How dare latz try embaraz da chieftain?!?
  23. I am proud that our reputation precedes us in our lil world.
  24. The channel is called ACcalendar. Anyone may enter events for now unless there is some unforseen issue with this policy.
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