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Everything posted by Volonazra

  1. Anyone that was planning to attend have an problem with making it start at 9:00pm instead. Dont want to ruin some surprise, but...to accomplish everything I had hoped it needs to happen at 9 instead of 10. If not, no biggie. We can proceed at 10pm, and your surprise can wait. >8]
  2. The day has finally come. Thanks to Balandar's hardwork we now have the ability to update as needed. I have made 80% of the updates which reflect the clan as it is today. I am seeking people skilled in html to help as im a complete n00berooni. There are many things that still need polished up, but im satisfied with what i could get done. As always, if you have suggestions let me know.
  3. Volonazra


    Meeting will be brief as possible. We will meet in Orgrimmar, this Saturday 10PM As always its not manditory, but there might be some surprises for those that attend. Topics to include: state of the clan, promotions, awards, recruitment, clan relations, and more as time allows. TIME CHANGE: We are moving the meeting to 9PM est. Sorry if this inconvienences you.
  4. Never a need to apologize for not playing. Your time is just that....YOURS. See you soon.
  5. Great Gorock! Get together with Zilog, who leads the award project currently.
  6. Sleyvas....you are on the roster. Stay on topic.
  7. Click on the roster upon the home page. http://www.thehonorempire.net/roster/wow.php?act=roster If you are, good job. Now add your alts! If not you are WRONG. Here is what to do to add yourself and your alts. Go to http://clanskullcrusher.com then click on log in over to the right in the members area. Enter the username and password you choose on your application (not these forums unless they are the same.) You will find several controls to set up a profile once logged in. Click on characters, click add character, enter the info you want, and click submit. I missed my goal of one month to square this site away. This angers the warchief. So if i have to ill get out the **evil eye**
  8. Volonazra

    Boot Camp

    First formation. Boy look at that scraggly bunch of panzies!
  9. Baron Rivendale lies dead before Gordantell and Volonzara. The Skullcrushers rejoice.
  10. No, no the love of god NOO. I was hoping this wouldnt get onto our sight. Please dont watch. No dont do it. NOOooooooo A puppies dies everytime you yell leroy. please...think of the puppies.
  11. High above the streets of Orgrimmar, the warlock performs shadowy rituals.
  12. Volonazra


    The dark portal. Volonazra and Sarkresh stem the flow of demons into Azeroth
  13. promotion possibilities are definiatly there for those that seek them. Look at the ranks area on the homepage to see the basic criteria.
  14. Ill be logging in approx 12:30 est this afternoon. Ill look for you. If i dont find you. Do a /who skullcrusher and most likely will find one of us online and they can help you out. Going to review your at right now. Thanks for concidering us.
  15. Chapter Fuur Volonazra readied his nerves, summoned his courage, and calmed his mind. Reaching his bare hand for the orb and bracing for pain. Pain had been his ally for many endevors along the shadow path. His hand slowly etched closer, closer. He saw that the flames didnt not reach to consume his hand, but parted, moved away from where he attempted to grasp the core. Finally, he held it. He stood up and peered at the wonderous object he now possessed. It was warm, yet no harm came to him from the green fire it eminated. He moved over to his old wooden chair that he sat in countess nights studying. Sitting down he held the orb over his desk, mistakingly ignigting some parchments upon it. He tossed the smoldering papers upon the floor, and focused on the orb. He took the orb into both hands and a surge force filled his body and his conciousness was transported far from the dank laboratory. He observed the homeworld, Draenor, from far above. He was then show visions of the great ork civilization of old. He was then, suddenly, inside a great palace. Then, inside a huge throne room and surrounded by many forms. The forms beckoned him. He submitted to their summons and moved closer. The forms revieled themselves, it was the ancestors. Ancient legends he had read told him these were ancient ancestors and chieftains of great power. He knelt before them in reverence, and bowed his head. A voice large and booming called to him. "Volonazra, you know why you are here. Your people are now free of the Dreadlords enslavement, but remain on Azeroth. The Dreadlords will never cease trying to regain what they feel is their property. The Alliance fear the Horde and seek to remove you from Azeroth. Hard times face you and the peoples of the Horde. You must gather strength to face these times. Return to us with the orb when you seek guidance. Go home now with this quest set before you. Your chieftains have grown weary from the great wars. They will aide you in your quest and know what must be done. Go home Chieftain of Clan Skullcrusher your people await. Protect them from corruption, remind them of our noble heritage. Give them wisdom of the times ahead and help them prepare for them. Look to Thrall as an example of what can be done. We will be watching. When the voice finished speaking to Volonazra, he regained conciousness back in his humble tower. He still held the orb. The sight of it now put more fear into him than ever before. Centering himself, he contemplated upon what he experienced. He then conjured his will and prepared to summon that part of him others know as a felsteed. He raced, upon hoves of flame, into the night to Durotar to seek those that would heed his wisdom and answer the call to gather strength in unity. He was determined not to let his people down. He could not, he was the chieftain. The End (and yet, the beginning)
  16. Hope you are all ready for it! http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/pvp/warsong-gulch.html
  17. Outstanding ideas Zilog! In fact, a revamp of the reward/award system is on the back burner. It has been an issue we need to square away for some time. However, i had to prioritize the TO DO list so this has gone unadressed for abit. Are you interested in taking some leadership on this? (or anyone else?) I have several plans written but they are very rough. I especially like the "thank you thread" idea. That way those little things that mean alot do go unnoticed. Give me word if you want to take some initiative Zilog. I want to reiterate, this is all our guild and taking initiative is not going to issult anyone. Good ideas (like this) only need someone to step up and put some action to them. I am constantly seeking people to lead raids, hold events, and the like. Not only is it fun for those involved, but is a way to get yourselves promoted. Happy Birthday! Git ta wurk lazy pushdogz!
  18. i can enchant the Thorium and Leather. Need rugged leather and thorium of course and eternal essences which i get from disenchanting items 55ish in level.
  19. Are you ready? http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post2761331
  20. Volonazra


    woohoo iz right!
  21. PvP Honor System FAQ: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/pvp/honor-system-faq.html Official responses to community questions regarding the honor system: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...hreadID=2844244
  22. Hey, Khamballa! Nice to hear from you. Unfortunatly, i dont have time to play more than one game at a time.
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