Are you, like me, forced to sit on the side lines due to not fitting into normal play times? Are you interested in raiding and/or organized pvp that starts later than the standard 7 or 8pm server time?
If there is enough interest, and availability, I am proposing we start talking about raiding (Kara/Grulls/Heroics) and pvp which begins at 10PMish server time and goes until 2AMish.
Update: We will be starting a Karazhan raid, Fri. 10:30pm server.
Committed raiders are:
-Kargoch-prot warrior
-Rhoach-Subt rogue
-Kazragerg-Marks hunter/affliction warlock
-Scryll-combat rogue
-Jeroabem-Elem sham
-Waldonnis(et al)-fire mage/affliction lock/feral druid/marks hunter
-myself-Afflic. warlock/resto. shaman/prot. warrior
-Frei-resto druid
Support raiders are:
Guilozak-holy priest
Gaelasia=holy priest
Its a go! Fri. Aug 24, 10pm start invites, 10:30 clompin time.