Ugh.. I rarely voice my opinion on things, and just hope others say what I wanna say (I hate making waves )) But I don't agree with this.. Marner, this is seriously nothing against you in the least bit, I truly wish you the best in getting a 2nd run going.
I just don't think it's fair to switch out regular members of this raid into a new one, and replacing them with those new to the raid. for several reasons.
In Crik's run we're capable of taking down Kurinaxx, General and Buru flawlessly. I don't want that to change or take longer to do, because I and others I've spoken with, are anxious to see more of this instance. We've put our time in on getting these encounters down and would like to move on. Is it fair for some of us to have to run with a new raid and vertually start over? Having started with this run (not right from the beginning but close) there's something to be said for starting out a raid together and progressing together, learning it together. That's what we have with Crik's run, I remember when the general fight was a great challenge, and the 3 attempts on Buru and failing and calling it a night. This run has met many of it's goals/challenges and we've many more ahead of us, I'd like us to continue on together. Marner's run should have those same learning experiences, those same accoplishments to call their own.
I'm sorry if no one understands or agrees with me, but that is my opinion and I felt worth voicing..