Greet'ns mah fellow Crushahs! As ah grew trew mah seasons, ah come to wittness dah mighty talents
many of joo have wit joor blades, joor maces, joor wands 'an joor magics. Mighty impressive dah clan is dat is for fact, an I be most proud tah be amoung yahs! Now ah tink it's time tah see dos 'idden talents amoung joo! Ah'll be a hostin' ah talent contest on Tuesday dah 15th of August at 8pm (server time) aht dah barracks in Razor Hill. Joo will be judged and shinniez will ge given to dah top 3 entrants in dah sums of 5g fer 3rd place, 10g fer 2nd place and 20g fer 1st place.
So please sign up and show off dos talents, be it ah poem, ah skit, ah comic act, whatevah joo come up wit! Joo may enter as a single entrant or joo may enter as a team. 'Ope tah see joo all der!!