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Everything posted by Jadeynn

  1. not enough actually.... yeah... I know, I didn't wait 5 posts
  2. May need a sub for tonight's run... there was alot of interest expressed.. who has worked on their rep?
  3. Ghules, you crack me up!
  4. welp.. I've hit 245 now unfortunately.. that means I need adamantite and primal earth *sobs*
  5. *wonders what's happening*...........
  6. Jadeynn


    Greet'ns! Clicky
  7. OMG.. another mount for me to want!
  8. *huggles Maube* good luck sweetie!
  9. I bother.. when I desperately need gold for a potion.
  10. You and your left field remarks...
  11. must... have... Nethermount!
  12. Thank you Smeddy, Aletia, V and Scryll! you all helped me get to 292, down to only needing thorium bars and huge emeralds now. Damn I can't wait til this grind is over!
  13. WOOT! Evika is ready! That's.. ev-ick-uhh remember Bar? not e-vee-kah
  14. *does her Emeril impersonation* SPAM!
  15. *giggles at Ghules*
  16. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  17. heh.. sex at 9 months pregnant is not so much fun, it's more like acrobats...
  18. Bananas!!!! I want.. must HAVE BANANAS!!
  19. OooOOooo can I play too?? *pats Waldonnis and offers him a carrot* hrm... did that sound dirty? *shifty*
  20. Jadeynn

    Entertain me!

    I had some good screenies but.. they're on my old comp... *sigh*
  21. bipolar weather! hahaha
  22. ROFLMAO NO kidding!
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