Lok-tar ogar!
Grymald and m'self have recently decided to expand our adventurin' business to include two new employees- Karse, a rogue of the previously-livin' kind, and Mishen, a Tauren druid. While we've got'em up to their necks in potions from m'self and blacksmithed delicacies from Elder Kaer, our charges find themselves without reliable armor.
If any of yash out their happen to be in th' mood to show off yer leatherworkin' talents by fixin' up something nice for Karse and Mishen, please give one of us a holler. Karse is working on 15 seasons now, and Mishen's got about a dozen. Karse prefers flexible armor that provides protection and freedom o' movement (+agi, +stam, +crits, +ap), Mishen finds patterns that allow 'im to channel his magic best (+spr, +int, +stam, +healing/nature).
I'm happy t'provide the materials you need or the pay you desire, in gold, potions r' otherwise.
Dabu, Crushers!