You can get UOJournal here:
Note: These instructions are from Windows XP days and will differ for Window 7 and 10.
1) After downloading UOJournal to a directory of your choice. Locate the file and open
2) Select Extract from the menu. Enter your UO directory in the "Extract to" text field. Then press the Extract button. You can now close these two windows.
3) Go to your start menu/Settings/Taskbar and Start menu
4) Select the tab "Start Menu Programs" then the button "Add...", Type in the location to your UOJournal.exe program or browse your directories for it. It MUST be located in the UO Directory. Click Next.
5) Scroll down the list until you find the name Start Up. Select this folder so it is highlighted. Then click next. It will prompt you for the name you wish it to have. Chose any name you want.
6) Go to the Start menu again, Programs, StartUp. In the StartUp folder right click on the UOJournal.exe icon (or whatever you named it) then select Properties.
7) Once you have your UOJournal.exe Properties window up, go to the line that says "Target:". This line is the target to your UOJournal.exe Program. At the very end of that line type in the following "/n" with a space in front of the "/n". Reason for adding this to your Target is to make the program NOT start UO. Else it will start UO automatically.
When you start your computer each day... if you ever turn it off, This program will automatically run which will change one line in your UO.CFG file to save your journal under a new name ( I.E. for 4/22/99 it would save the file as "Journal(1999-04-22).txt"). So every time you restart your computer the line in the uo.cfg will be changed to reflect the current day. Once you start UO and log in with a character the file will be created with any conversation that is said during that day's game play.
To access your journal file, go to you UO directory and inside that directory will be a folder called Journals. All journals will be saved in that directory.